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二月份 第 11 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2014-02-17) ------

  • Kerry: Russia Enabling Syria's Pursuit of Military Path
  • 克里:俄羅斯使敘利亞能夠尋求訴諸武力
  •   U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says the Syrian government is trying to win a military victory over the opposition, and that Russia is enabling President Bashar al-Assad on that path.
  • 美國國務卿克里說,敘利亞政府試圖取得對反對派的軍事勝利,而俄羅斯則在為敘利亞總統阿薩德提供這種能力。

  •   Speaking Monday in Jakarta, Kerry said Syria's strategy is evident in its continuing barrel bombing of civilians, and that Russia's deliveries of arms and aid are helping Mr. Assad's pursuit of a military solution over a political end to the civil war.
  • 克里星期一在雅加達說,敘利亞繼續炮轟平民的行動證實了其戰略意圖,而俄羅斯向敘利亞運送武器和援助則是在幫助阿薩德通過武力、而不是政治方式來結束內戰。

  •   VOA correspondent Scott Stearns, who is traveling with Kerry, said the secretary wants the international community to use a break in the talks to figure out how best to pursue a political solution.
  • 隨同克里出訪的美國之音記者斯特恩斯說,克里希望國際社會利用和談間歇找到達成敘利亞政治解決方案的最佳途徑。

  •   Russia has been both an ally of Mr. Assad and, along with the United States, a lead player in bringing the Syrian sides together for the peace talks.
  • 俄羅斯是阿薩德的盟友,同時又與美國一道促成敘利亞雙方進行和談。


  • (2014-02-17) ------

  • US Celebrates Presidents' Day Holiday
  • 美國慶祝總統節
  •   Millions of workers and school children in the United States are getting a day off Monday for the annual Presidents' Day holiday.
  • 美國工人和學生星期一將放假一天,慶祝每年一度的總統日。

  •   It first became a federal holiday in 1879 to celebrate the February 22 birthday of the first U.S. president, George Washington.
  • 1879 年,為紀念美國首任總統喬治‧華盛頓的誕辰而將 2 月 22 日設為聯邦假日。

  •   Nearly a century later, in 1968, Congress passed a law shifting the celebration of several federal holidays from specific dates to predetermined Mondays in order to give workers three consecutive days off.
  • 將近一個世紀後,美國國會於 1968 年通過一項法律,不再將幾位總統的誕辰做為假日,而把星期一定為聯邦假日,讓美國工人們得以連續休息三天。

  •   Retailers take advantage of the holiday - held on the third Monday in February - to promote sales and price cuts on their products.
  • 總統日設在每年 2 月的第三個星期一,零售商們在這一天減價促銷商品。

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