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四月份 第 07 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-04-10) ------

  • North Korean Leader Prepares for Succession
  • 北韓領導人為接班做準備
  •   North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has promoted his brother-in-law Jang Song Thaek to the powerful National Defense Commission, sparking speculation he is preparing for his successor.
  • 北韓領導人金正日將他的妹夫張成澤提升進入權力很大的國防委員會,從而引發人們猜測金正日開始為他的接班人做準備。

  •   The appointment confirms Jang's unofficial role as Mr. Kim's second-in-command.
  • 這項任命確認張成澤成為未正式宣佈的金正日的副手。

  •   Analysts say the 63-year old is likely to be a caretaker leader should Mr. Kim suddenly pass away.
  • 分析人士說,如果金正日突然去世,63 歲的張成澤很可能暫時接替最高領導人的職位。

  •   They say Jang's role will be to support a possible transition of power and to prepare one of Mr. Kim's three sons for leadership.
  • 他們說,張成澤的作用是協助把權力過渡到金正日的 3 個兒子中的一個。

  •   Jang's appointment took place during the opening of a new parliamentary session just days after North Korea sparked controversy with a rocket launch.
  • 張成澤在北韓的最高人民會議新一屆會議期間得到這一任命;在這幾天前,北韓剛剛進行了引起爭議的火箭發射。

  •   Pyongyang says it launched a satellite into orbit but the United States, Japan, and others say it was a ballistic missile test.
  • 平壤說,它將一顆衛星送入軌道,但是美國、日本和其他一些國家說,那是一次彈道導彈試射。


  • (2009-04-10) ------

  • China Vows To Fight Dumping Allegations
  • 中國誓言抗擊反傾銷投訴
  •   China's steel industry associations will fight on behalf of its producers if the U.S. government investigates complaints that Chinese steel mills are dumping products on the U.S. market.
  • 中國鋼鐵工業協會表示,如果美國政府就有關投訴中國鋼鐵廠在美國市場上傾銷事宜進行調查,他們將代表中國鋼鐵行業的生產商據理力爭。

  •   The comments were carried Friday in the "China Daily" a Chinese government-controlled English-language newspaper.
  • 中國政府控制的英文報紙中國日報星期五刊登了有關此事的評論。

  •   Major U.S. steelmakers filed a petition this week with U.S. trade officials complaining that Chinese steel producers unfairly benefit from government subsidies that make their goods cheaper.
  • 美國的主要煉鋼業者本星期向美國的貿易官員提出投訴,說中國的煉鋼企業接受本國政府補貼而不公平地營利,因為政府補貼使得他們的產品價格低廉。

  •   The complaint covers $2.7 billion worth of steel pipes used in oil and gas drilling that China exported to the U.S. last year.
  • 有關投訴涉及去年從中國出口到美國的價值 27 億美元的鋼管,這些鋼管可用於石油和天然氣鑽探。

  •   Chinese exports have surged in recent years from 900,000 tons of steel pipes to about 2.2 million tons last year.
  • 中國對美鋼管出口近年來猛增,從每年 90 萬噸增加到去年的 220 萬噸左右。

  •   China faces similar dumping charges from the European Union.
  • 中國面臨來自歐盟的類似傾銷投訴。


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