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五月份 第 05 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2011-05-06) ------

  • Obama to Meet Military Personnel Involved in Bin Laden Raid
  • 歐巴馬將會見襲殺賓拉登的海豹隊員
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama will meet Friday with members of the elite military team involved in the raid that killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.
  • 星期五,歐巴馬總統將與參加在巴基斯坦擊斃賓拉登任務的美國精英部隊海軍海豹突擊隊員見面。

  •   The president will travel to the Fort Campbell army base in the state of Kentucky to personally thank participants in the early Monday raid on bin Laden's compound.
  • 歐巴馬總統將前往位於肯塔基州的福特坎貝爾基地,當面感謝星期一早上突襲賓拉登院落的海軍海豹突擊隊隊員。

  •   Administration officials said Mr. Obama will privately meet with participants before making public remarks.
  • 白宮官員說,歐巴馬總統在公開講話前將跟參加這次行動的人員舉行不公開會面。

  •   White House spokesman Jay Carney described the raid participants who will be meeting President Obama as "special operators," but would not say if they include the Navy SEALs who carried out the raid and did the actual shooting.
  • 白宮發言人卡尼說,即將接受歐巴馬總統會見的突襲隊員是 “特別人員”,但他沒有說是否包括參加突襲行動並開槍擊斃賓拉登等人的海軍海豹突擊隊員。

  •   Carney said the U.S. is being, in his words, "extremely vigilant" about possible retaliatory attacks by al-Qaida.
  • 卡尼說,美國一直 “高度警惕” 基地組織可能進行的報復襲擊。

  •   In his public remarks, the president will commend soldiers who have recently returned from Afghanistan.
  • 歐巴馬總統還將在公開講話中稱讚最近從阿富汗歸來的官兵。


  • (2011-05-06) ------

  • US Economy Gains 244,000 Jobs
  • 美國經濟新增 24 萬 4 千個工作機會
  •   The U.S. economy had a net gain of 244,000 jobs in April, the biggest increase in nearly a year, while the unemployment rate rose slightly to hit 9 percent.
  • 美國經濟 4 月份凈增加了 24 萬 4 千個工作機會,是將近一年內增幅最大的一次,但美國的失業率小幅上升到 9 %。

  •   Friday's report from the Labor Department showed most of the job gains were in private sector ((non-government)) jobs, including manufacturing.
  • 美國勞工部星期五公佈的報告顯示,大多數新增就業機會來自包括製造業在內的私營部門。

  •   The job gains are more than most economists predicted, but are still below the level needed to recover the 8 million jobs lost in the recession.
  • 就業機會的增幅超出大多數經濟學家的預期,但仍然低於恢復在經濟衰退中失去的 8 百萬個就業機會所需要的水準。

  •   Economists say job growth needs to be 250,000 or higher each month to significantly cut the unemployment rate because the work force is growing due to births and immigration.
  • 經濟學家說,每月新增就業需要達到 25 萬或以上的水準,才能顯著降低失業率,因為勞工數量隨著新生兒和移民人數的增長而在不斷增加。


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