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五月份 第 06 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-05-08) ------

  • Asian Nations to Boost Flu Medicine Stockpiles
  • 亞洲國家將增加抗流感藥物庫存
  •   Thirteen Asian countries agreed Friday on measures to fight the spread of the swine influenza A-H1N1 virus in the region.
  • 亞洲 13 個國家星期五同意採取措施,對抗俗稱豬流感的甲型 H1N1 型流感病毒在亞洲的蔓延。

  •   Health ministers from China, Japan, South Korea and the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations ended a two-day meeting in Thailand's capitol, Bangkok, to discuss the threat posed by the virus.
  • 來自中國、日本、南韓和東盟 10 國的衛生部長星期五結束了在泰國首都曼谷為期兩天的會議,討論甲型 H1N1 型流感病毒構成的威脅。

  •   They said stockpiling of anti-viral medicine is essential in the region, which still lacks adequate vaccine-production technology.
  • 他們說,在亞洲地區增加對抗這種病毒藥物的庫存,至關重要,因為亞洲仍然缺乏足夠的疫苗生產技術。

  •   In a joint statement, Asian health ministers called for shared information, and public health measures, including efforts to improve hygiene and household ventilation.
  • 在一份聯合聲明中,亞洲的衛生部長呼籲共用資訊,採取公共衛生措施,包括改善衛生和住房通風條件等。

  •   But they urged against travel restrictions, saying they would not stop the virus from spreading, but would have a major negative impact on economy.
  • 但是他們反對採取旅行限制;他們說,旅行限制不能遏制病毒的傳播,但卻對經濟產生重大的副作用。


  • (2009-05-08) ------

  • US Layoffs Ease, But Jobless Rate Hits 25-year High
  • 美工作流失放慢但失業率達 25 年新高
  •   The pace of job losses eased in the United States in April, perhaps a signal that the worst of the recession has passed.
  • 美國四月份的工作流失速度有所緩解,這或許是經濟衰退最嚴重時期已經過去的跡象。

  •   Friday's Labor Department report said 539,000 jobs were lost during the month. That is about one-quarter less than the prior month, and the smallest loss since October.
  • 勞工部星期五的報導說,四月份工作損失了 53 萬 9 千個,比前個月減少了大約四分之一,是十月以來工作流失最少的月份。

  •   But the U.S. unemployment rate still rose four-tenths of one percentage point in April to hit a 25-year high of 8.9 percent.
  • 但是美國的失業率仍然上升了百分之 0.4,達到 8.9 %,為 25 年來的新高。

  •   President Barack Obama called the figures "sobering" and said he wants to change the way various levels of government help unemployed Americans.
  • 歐巴馬總統說,失業數字“發人深省”,他希望能改變各級政府幫助失業美國人的方式。

  •   He says in some cases "senseless" rules cut unemployment compensation to people who sign up for education and training to prepare them for future jobs.
  • 他說,在某些情況下,“毫無道理”的規定,削減那些為了未來找工作而上學,接受培訓者的失業補償。

  •   At a White House meeting, Mr. Obama said he will outline fundamental changes in U.S. vocational training and other kinds of education in the next few weeks.
  • 在白宮的一次會議上,歐巴馬說,他將在今後幾個星期闡述美國職業培訓和其他教育的根本變革。


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