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五月份 第 16 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-05-22) ------

  • 10 People arrested for suspected of mistreating workers in China
  • 中國 10 人因強迫他人勞動而被捕
  •   Chinese state media say authorities have arrested 10 suspects and freed 32 mentally handicapped people who were being forced to work in brick kilns in eastern China.
  • 中國官方媒體表示,有關當局逮捕了 10 名嫌疑人,並釋放了 32 名有精神疾病的人;這些人被迫在中國東部的磚窯裏做工。

  •   The official Xinhua news agency reports that up to 80 policemen raided the two kilns in Anhui province late last month and arrested a kiln boss surnamed Zhang and nine others suspected of holding the workers.
  • 官方的新華社報導說,大約 80 名警察上個月底突襲了安徽省的兩座磚窯,逮捕了一名姓張的磚窯老闆以及另外 9 名涉嫌控制這些工人的幫手。

  •   Xinhua quotes police as saying the 10 are suspected of beating the workers and treating them like slaves.
  • 新華社援引警方的話說,這 10 個人涉嫌毆打這些工人,像對待奴隸那樣地對待這些工人。

  •   Xinhua says that Zhang told authorities that he bought the laborers from a taxi driver in neighboring Shandong province who had picked them up off the street.
  • 新華社報導說,張姓老闆告訴有關當局,他從鄰近的山東省一名計程車司機那裏買到這些工人;那名計程車司機是在大街上找到這些人。

  •   Police say the laborers were forced to work 10 hours a day without pay and were between the ages of 25 and 40. Few could tell where they were from.
  • 警方表示,那些工人每天被迫勞動 10 個小時,沒有任何報酬,他們的年齡在 25 歲到 40 歲之間;幾乎沒有人能說清楚他們來自哪。

  •   Hundreds of brick kiln slaves were freed in 2007 following raids in northern China.
  • 在 2007 年,中國北方的打擊行動曾經使數百名磚窯奴隸獲得自由。


  • (2009-05-22) ------

  • Obama says he will support military
  • 歐巴馬承諾給軍隊所需支援
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama says he will only send troops into harm's way when it is "absolutely necessary" and with the strategy and support needed to get the job done.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬說,在“完全必要”,以及具備完成任務所需的戰略和支援時,他才會派部隊去危險的地方。

  •   Mr. Obama made the pledge in a commencement address to the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
  • 歐巴馬在馬利蘭州的安納波利斯美國海軍學院的畢業典禮上做出這一承諾。

  •   He told the graduates the country must overcome a "full spectrum of threats," including conventional and non-conventional threats, the spread of deadly technologies, 18th century-style piracy and 21st century cyberthreats.
  • 他對畢業生說,美國必須戰勝“各種形形色色的威脅”,包括傳統和非傳統的威脅,致命武器的擴散,18 世紀式的海盜和 21 世紀的網路威脅。

  •   The president said the United States is using all of its national power -- diplomacy, development, economic might and moral influence -- to confront the challenges so the military does not bear the burden alone.
  • 歐巴馬說,美國正在調動所有的國家力量,外交、發展、經濟實力和道德影響,去對抗所有這些挑戰,才不會讓軍隊單獨承受這些重擔。

  •   He said the nation must hold fast to its values while protecting and defending the American people.
  • 他說,美國必須堅定不移地堅持其價值觀,同時保護和保衛美國人民。

  •   Saying that when America strays from its ideals, the rule of law is undermined and the enemy emboldened.
  • 他說,當美國偏離其理想時,法治就會受到損害,敵人會變得膽大妄為。


EPT 美語
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