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六月份 第 07 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]

  • (2009-06-09) ------

  • US Official: China Needs to Make Deeper Cuts in Greenhouse Gases
  • 美國官員:中國需要更多減少溫室氣體排放
  •   A top U.S. energy official says China will need to do much more to reduce its carbon emissions "if the world is going to have any hope of containing climate change."
  • 美國一位高級能源官員說,如果全球控制氣候變化要有任何希望的話,中國需要在減少碳排放方面做更多的事情。

  •   U.S. Assistant Secretary for Energy David Sandalow made the remarks during a visit to Beijing with the U.S. special envoy for climate change Todd Stern.
  • 美國助理能源部長桑德羅在陪同美國負責氣候變化的特使斯特恩訪問中國期間做出上述談話。

  •   Sandalow said China and the United States -- the world's top emitters of greenhouse gasses -- need to do more to reduce mutual suspicion as governments prepare to negotiate a new climate change treaty in December.
  • 桑德羅說,中國和美國這兩個世界最大的溫室氣體排放國,在各國政府準備在 12 月份談判一項新的氣候變化條約的同時,應更加努力減少相互猜疑。

  •   His comments were released by the U.S. embassy on Tuesday as the U.S. officials wrapped up a two-day visit to China.
  • 在美國官員星期二結束對北京的兩天訪問之際,美國駐中國大使館公佈了桑德羅的評論。

  •   China's Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that the two sides agreed to set up a joint technological research and development center to promote clean energy.
  • 中國外交部星期二說,中美雙方商定成立一個聯合技術研究和發展中心,推動潔凈能源。

  •   Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said they also agreed to push for positive results during climate change talks in Copenhagen in December.
  • 外交部發言人秦剛說,他們也同意在 12 月哥本哈根氣候變化會議期間,推動產生積極的成果。


  • (2009-06-09) ------

  • North Korea Issues New Warning
  • 北韓發佈新的警告
  •   North Korea says it will use its nuclear weapons both to defend itself and as an offense against those who seek to attack the country.
  • 北韓說,將使用其核武器自衛並進攻那些試圖攻擊該國的國家。

  •   An editorial published Tuesday in North Korea's state-run Minju Joson newspaper says its nuclear arsenal will be a strong deterrent against any enemies, and will also be used to carry out a "merciless offensive" against those who violate its dignity and sovereignty.
  • 北韓官方的“民主北韓日報”星期二發表社論說,北韓的核武器將是對所有敵人的強大威懾力量,並將被用來無情地打擊那些侵犯北韓尊嚴和主權的國家。

  •   In a separate development, Russia's Interfax news agency quoted a Russian foreign ministry official as saying there are indications that North Korea is preparing to launch another missile, following a series of recent missile launches.
  • 另一方面,俄羅斯文傳通訊社引用俄羅斯外交部官員的話說,有跡象顯示,北韓正準備進行另外一次導彈試射;此前,北韓進行了一系列的導彈試射。

  •   Meanwhile, the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council (the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia) meet with Japanese and South Korean officials to negotiate a new resolution in response to Pyongyang's recent nuclear test.
  • 與此同時,聯合國安理會 5 個常任理事國和日本及南韓官員會談,談判一個新的安理會決議,回應平壤最近進行的核子試驗。


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