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六月份 第 11 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2012-06-15) ------

  • Clinton: North Korea's Kim Could Go Down in History if He Allows Change
  • 克林頓:金正恩如實行改革將載入史冊
  •   U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says North Korea's new leader Kim Jong-un could go down in history if he helps his people emerge from poverty and isolation.
  • 美國國務卿希拉芯‧克林頓說,朝鮮新領導人金正恩如果幫助本國人民擺脫貧困和孤立,他的名字就將載入史冊。

  •   She said she hopes the 29-year-old Kim will choose to bring the North into the 21st century and spend money on food, education, and health care instead of implements of war.
  • 克林頓星期四說,希望 29 歲的金正恩會選擇把朝鮮帶入 21 世紀,並希望他把金錢用於糧食、教育和醫療保健,而不是用於戰爭武器。

  •   Clinton said she believes North Korea will eventually change because people cannot live under oppressive conditions where they are starved to death, thrown into gulags, and have their basic human rights denied.
  • 克林頓表示,她相信朝鮮最終會改變,因為人民不能生活在壓制之下,他們死於饑餓,被投入集中營,基本人權遭到剝奪。

  •   Kim Jong-un took over as North Korean leader in December, after the death of his father, Kim Jong-il.
  • 金正恩在他的父親金正日死後,於去年 12 月成為朝鮮領導人。

  •   The West knows almost nothing about the young Kim, who so far has shown little inclination to grant North Koreans more freedom or end the country's nuclear weapons program.
  • 西方對金正恩幾乎一無所知;到目前為止,金正恩沒有顯示出會給予朝鮮人民更多自由或放棄核武器項目。


  • (2012-06-15) ------

  • Court Ruling Casts Cloud of Confusion over Egypt
  • 法院裁定給埃及蒙上了困擾的陰雲
  •   Egypt is bracing for protests Friday after judges appointed by former President Hosni Mubarak dissolved the parliament and allowed his former prime minister to compete in a presidential run-off election.
  • 埃及前總統穆巴拉克任命的法官們解散了議會,並準許曾在穆巴拉克政府中擔任總理的沙菲克參加總統決選;此後,埃及民眾準備星期五舉行抗議活動。

  •   The ruling by Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court was immediately denounced Thursday by senior Muslim Brotherhood officials, who said it amounted to a power grab by those loyal to the Mubarak government.
  • 埃及最高憲法法院星期四做出以上裁決後,立即遭到回教徒兄弟會高層人士的指責,他們說,這種裁決相當於讓忠於穆巴拉克政府的人掌握權力。

  •   Egypt's interim military rulers were quoted in state media as saying the run-off between Mohamed Morsi and Ahmed Shafiq will begin as scheduled on Saturday.
  • 埃及媒體援引軍方統治者的話說,回教徒兄弟會候選人穆爾西與沙菲克的決選將按照預定安排,在星期六開始舉行。

  •   Morsi said Thursday he respects the ruling.
  • 穆爾西星期四說,他尊重最高憲法法院的裁決。

  •   But he told Egyptian television that he was dissatisfied with the court's decision to strike down a law passed by parliament last month barring former Mubarak officials from running for office.
  • 但他對埃及電視說,最高憲法法院的裁決推翻了人民議會上個月通過的一項禁止前穆巴拉克政府官員競選公職的法律,他對此感到不滿。

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