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六月份 第 19 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]

  • (2010-06-25) ------

  • Obama: G-20 Leaders Should Promote Growth, Enact Reforms
  • 歐巴馬:20 國首腦應力促經濟增長 開展改革
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama says he will work to promote growth and strengthen the global economy at a summit of rich countries and top developing nations in Canada.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬表示,他將在加拿大的峰會上努力促進經濟增長,鞏固全球經濟;此次八國峰會和二十國集團峰會包括了全球最發達的國家以及世界主要發展中國家。

  •   Mr. Obama said Friday the recent financial crisis proves that the world's economies are "inextricably" linked and that nations must coordinate efforts and enact financial reforms that will help the global economic recovery.
  • 歐巴馬星期五說,最近的金融危機證明了全球經濟“不可分割地”相互聯繫著,各國必須協調工作並制定金融改革計劃,以幫助全球經濟的恢復。

  •   Mr. Obama spoke from the White House before departing for Toronto to attend the two summit meetings.
  • 歐巴馬在前往多倫多參加兩個峰會之前於白宮發表上述講話。

  •   Many leaders began arriving in Canada Thursday for the Group of Eight and Group of 20 summits, which serve as the main forums for global economic cooperation among the world's leading industrialized and developing nations.
  • 星期四,眾多國家領導人開始陸續抵達加拿大出席峰會;這兩個峰會是全球主要工業化國家和發展中國家經濟合作的主要論壇。

  •   Officials say G-8 leaders meeting Friday in Muskoka, north of Toronto, will discuss security concerns but a significant focus of the talks will be on ways to ensure sustained economic growth while battling growing budget deficits.
  • 官員說,八國集團首腦星期五將在多倫多北部穆蘇科卡舉行會議,討論安全方面的關注;但會議重點將圍繞如何保持經濟持續增長以及如何對抗日益增加的財政赤字展開。


  • (2010-06-25) ------

  • Repairs Begin on Flood-Damaged Dikes in China
  • 中國開始修復決堤堤壩
  •   Emergency teams in flood-ravaged southern China are working to repair damaged dikes, as rising water threatens the capital of Hunan province, a city of six million people.
  • 在遭受洪水破壞的中國南部,緊急救援隊伍正在搶修受損堤壩;與此同時,不斷上升的水位對擁有 600 萬人口的湖南省省會長沙構成威脅。

  •   More than 50,000 people have been evacuated from areas (of Xiangtan County) near Changsha, the provincial capital.
  • 共有五萬多人已經從湖南省省會長沙附近的湘潭地區撤離。

  •   The Xiangjiang River, a branch of the Yangtze, has risen 2.5 meters above the danger level, and Chinese officials say the highest crest is still to come.
  • 長江支流湘江的水位已經超出危險水位 2.5 米;中國官員說,洪峰尚未到來。

  •   Since June 13, floods and mudslides caused by heavy rains have killed at least 211 people, and nearly 150 others are missing.
  • 自 6 月 13 號以來,暴雨引發的洪水和土石流已造成至少 211 人死亡,另有近 150 人失蹤。

  •   Hundreds of emergency workers and soldiers spent Friday pouring sand and rocks into two breaches in dikes along the Fuhe river in Jiangxi province, where high water has forced about 100,000 people to leave their homes on Friday.
  • 幾百名工人和解放軍星期五用石頭和沙子填補江西省撫河流域堤壩的兩處決口;高水位迫使那裏大約 10 萬人星期五離開他們的家園。

  •   Chinese authorities say the floods have caused more than $10 billion in damages.
  • 中國當局表示,洪水造成 100 多億美元的損失。


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