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九月份 第 08 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2010-09-10)------

  • Florida Minister Says Not Planning to Burn Quran on Sept 11
  • 佛羅里達牧師說不打算在 9 月 11 日焚燒古蘭經
  •   The leader of a small Christian church in the southern U.S. state of Florida says he is no longer planning to burn copies of the Quran, as long as he is able to meet with the imam behind a proposed Islamic center in New York near the site where the World Trade Center once stood.
  • 美國南部佛羅里達州的一個小基督教會的牧師說,只要他能與推動在紐約世貿中心舊址附近修建伊斯蘭中心的伊瑪目見面,他就不再準備焚燒可蘭經。

  •   The Reverend Terry Jones told U.S. media Friday that he is planning to meet with the imam on Saturday.
  • 瓊斯牧師星期五告訴美國媒體,他計劃在週六與紐約伊瑪目會面。

  •   But the New York cleric, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, has denied any such meeting.
  • 但紐約伊瑪目拉烏夫否認有任何會面計劃。

  •   Imam Rauf also expressed surprise at Jones' announcement Thursday that Muslim leaders had agreed to move the planned Islamic cultural center and mosque away from an area near the site of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
  • 伊瑪目拉烏夫還對瓊斯星期四的聲明感到驚訝;瓊斯說,回教徒領導人已經同意把計劃中的伊斯蘭文化中心和清真寺從 9/11 恐怖襲擊地點附近移到其他地方。

  •   He said there is no such agreement.
  • 他(伊瑪目拉烏夫) 說,他們並沒有同意這樣做。

  •   In response, the controversial pastor said he feels he was lied to by a Muslim cleric in his state of Florida, Imam Muhammad Musri (president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida), who had been helping to negotiate a settlement.
  • 做為回應,瓊斯這位有爭議的牧師說,佛羅里達州的回教徒伊瑪目穆斯里對他撒了慌;穆斯里是佛羅里達中部地區回教徒社區的領袖,他一直在協助通過談判找到解決分歧的途徑。

  •   Musri denied that he misled the pastor, and said he is still trying to set up a meeting between himself, Jones and Rauf to discuss the proposed center.
  • 穆斯里否認他誤導了瓊斯牧師,並表示他仍在努力舉行一個有他自己、瓊斯和拉烏夫三人參加的會議,討論擬議中的回教徒中心建址問題。


  • (2010-09-10)------

  • Obama Reiterates Support For Muslims' Right to Build NY Mosque
  • 歐巴馬重申回教徒有權建紐約清真寺
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama has reiterated his belief that Muslims have the right to build a mosque near the site of the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬重申,他認為回教徒有權在紐約 9/11恐怖襲擊遺址附近修建清真寺。

  •   Mr. Obama told a news conference Friday that Americans' inalienable right to freedom of religion means that if you can build a church or other place of worship on a particular site, you should be able to build a mosque.
  • 歐巴馬星期五在記者會上說,美國人不可剝奪的宗教自由權意味著,如果可以在一個地方修建教堂或其他宗教場所,那麼就可以在那裏建造清真寺。

  •   Critics have said the proposal for an Islamic cultural center near the site where the World Trade Center towers once stood is disrespectful to the victims of the September 11 attacks.
  • 批評人士說,計劃在原世貿中心附近建造伊斯蘭文化中心是對 9/11 遇難者的不敬。

  •   Mr. Obama said he recognizes the extraordinary sensitivities about the coordinated September 11 assaults by al-Qaida.
  • 歐巴馬說,他知道基地組織製造的 9/11 恐怖襲擊極為敏感。

  •   But he stressed that the United States is not at war with Islam, but at war against terrorist organizations that have, in his words, "distorted Islam" or "falsely used" Islam to engage in destructive acts.
  • 但是他強調,美國並沒有與伊斯蘭交戰,而是在跟“扭曲”、或者“冒用”伊斯蘭宗教進行恐怖活動的恐怖主義組織作戰。

  •   He said the United States must be clear about who the enemy is and must not differentiate between Muslim-Americans and Americans who practice other religions.
  • 他說,美國必須清楚誰是自己的敵人,決不能對信仰伊斯蘭的美國人和其他信仰的美國人有區別的對待。


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