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九月份 第 09 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][09][07][06]

  • (2008-09-11)------

  • South Korean Spy Chief Says Kim Jung Il is Recovering
  • 南韓情報主管稱金正日在康復
  •   South Korea's spy chief says North Korean leader Kim Jung Il is on the mend from an apparent stroke, and is recovering quickly.
  • 南韓情報負責人說,北韓領導人金正日正從顯然是一次中風中恢復,而且恢復得很快。

  •   In a radio interview today (Thursday), South Korean lawmaker Lee Cheol-woo says the country's spy chief told lawmakers Wednesday that Mr. Kim is not having any problems speaking or communicating, and is able to stand if assisted.
  • 南韓一名議員今天 (星期四) 在接受電台採訪中說,南韓情報負責人星期三告訴議員們,金正日說話和交流都沒有問題,在幫助下可以站立。

  •   Lee's remarks were in sharp contrast to reports today in South Korea's local media, which claim the stroke left him partially paralyzed.
  • 這名議員的這番話與南韓當地媒體的報導截然不同。地方媒體聲稱說,中風導致金正日的身體部分癱瘓。

  •   South Korea's President Lee Myung-bak has instructed his Cabinet to be prepared for possible changes in North Korea following reports about Mr. Kim's health.
  • 南韓總統李明博在有關金正日健康的報告出現後,要求內閣對北韓可能發生的變化做好準備。

  •   In a statement issued after an emergency meeting in Seoul Wednesday night, Mr. Lee stressed that South should be ready to respond to any situation without confusion.
  • 星期三晚間在首爾舉行緊急會議後發表的聲明說,李明博總統強調,南韓應對任何可能發生的情況毫不混亂地做出反應。

  •   South Korean defense officials say they are drawing up contingency plans, but have not noted any unusual troop movements in North Korea.
  • 南韓國防官員說,他們正在起草緊急方案,但是沒有注意到北韓軍方有任何不正常的部隊調動活動。


  • (2008-09-11)------

  • US Marking Anniversary of 2001 Terrorist Attacks
  • 美國紀念 2001 年恐怖襲擊 7 週年
  •   The United States is marking the seventh anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks with a day of solemn observances.
  • 美國舉行肅穆的悼念儀式,紀念 2001 年 9 月 11 日美國遭受恐怖襲擊 7 週年。

  •   In New York City, the names of victims are being read at the area known as "ground zero," where the two World Trade Center towers once stood. Relatives wept as they clutched photos of victims and tossed roses into a pool of water at the site.
  • 在紐約市世貿中心大樓原址,遇難者的名字被一一讀出,他們的家人抱著遇難者的照片,流著淚往世貿大樓原址的一個水池中投擲玫瑰花瓣。

  •   Nearly three thousand people were killed September 11th, 2001 after hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and a field in (the eastern state of) Pennsylvania.
  • 將近 3 千人在那次襲擊中死亡,恐怖分子劫持的飛機先後撞上世貿雙塔和五角大樓,第四架客機墜毀在賓夕法尼亞州。

  •   U.S. President George Bush led a moment of silence at the White House today (Thursday) at the time (8:46 a.m. EDT/1246 GMT) seven years ago when terrorists crashed the first of two passenger jets into the World Trade Center.
  • 美國總統布希今天 (星期四) 在 7 年前恐怖分子劫持的兩架客機中的第一架客機撞擊世貿大樓的那一刻在白宮與大家一同默哀。

  •   The two 110-story buildings collapsed after the attacks.
  • 那兩幢 110 層的高樓在襲擊後倒塌。


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