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九月份 第 10 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][09][08][06]

  • (2007-09-13)------

  • China Seeks WTO Talks with US on Trade Dispute
  • 中國謀求在世貿與美國談判貿易糾紛
  •   China is seeking talks with the United States at the World Trade Organization in a dispute over penalties Washington has imposed on some paper imports from China.
  • 中國尋求在世貿組織和美國舉行會談,解決華盛頓對來自中國的某些紙張進口進行懲罰引起的爭議。

  •   Chinese trade officials say they delivered the request for consultations to U.S. officials Friday in Geneva, where the WTO is based.
  • 中國貿易官員說,他們星期五在世貿組織的所在地日內瓦向美國方面遞交了磋商請求。

  •   The request is a response to a decision by Washington to impose anti-dumping penalties on the import of glossy paper, which is used in art-books, textbooks and high-end magazines.
  • 這個請求是對華盛頓決定對光澤紙進口徵收反傾銷懲罰的回應。光澤紙(光面紙)是用於印刷藝術書刊、教科書以及高級雜誌的紙張。

  •   U.S. manufacturers who compete with China argue that unfair government subsidies are helping Chinese producers sell the paper at below-market prices.
  • 與中國進行競爭的美國生產商爭辯說,中國政府不公正的補貼幫助中國廠商生產,以低於市場的價格出售他們的紙張。

  •   According to WTO regulations, the two sides will have 60 days to resolve the dispute through bilateral talks before WTO arbitrators step in.
  • 依據世貿組織條例,雙方在世貿組織仲裁人員介入之前,有 60 天的時間通過雙邊會談解決分歧。


  • (2007-09-13)------

  • Japan's Race for Prime Minister Narrows to Aso, Fukuda
  • 日本角逐首相人選減至麻生和福田
  •   Japan's race to succeed Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has narrowed to a two-way contest, following the abrupt resignation of Japan's leader this week.
  • 在日本首相安倍晉三本星期突然宣佈辭職以後,日本繼任安倍晉三的角逐者已經縮小到在兩位候選人之間進行。

  •   Yasuo Fukuda, a former chief Cabinet secretary, announced Friday that he intends to run for president of the Liberal Democratic Party during party elections on September 23rd.
  • 前內閣官房長官福田康夫星期五宣佈有意在 9 月 23 號舉行的政黨選舉中角逐自民黨總裁。

  •   Shortly after declaring his candidacy, Fukuda won the backing of the finance minister Fukushiro Nukaga, who withdrew his own bid.
  • 福田康夫宣佈參加角逐後,立即贏得了宣佈退出競選的主管財政的大藏省大臣額賀福志郎的支持。

  •   Hours later, former Foreign Minister Taro Aso joined the race to lead the LDP. He is secretary-general of the party.
  • 幾個小時後,前外相麻生太郎也加入到自民黨總裁的競爭行列.他目前擔任自民黨幹事長。

  •   The winner of the LDP leadership race is set to become Japan's next prime minister because the party holds a majority in the powerful lower house.
  • 自民黨總裁競爭的勝利者將擔任日本下任首相,因為自民黨在富有權力的日本國會眾議院擁有多數席位。

  •   Fukuda is seen as an advocate of warm relations with China and South Korea, while Aso is known for his conservative views that have sometimes riled Japan's neighbors.
  • 福田康夫被視為主張與中國和韓國發展良好關係,而麻生太郎以保守觀點著稱,有時讓日本的鄰國感到憤怒。


EPT 美語
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