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十二月份 第 02 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2011-12-02)------

  • Clinton Wraps Up Burma Trip With Pledge of U.S. Support
  • 希拉芯結束緬甸訪問承諾更多支援
  •   U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has wrapped up a three-day visit to Burma after discussions with democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi and a vow that the U.S. is prepared to support further democratic reform.
  • 美國國務卿希拉芯克林頓結束對緬甸的三天訪問;在訪問結束前,希拉芯與緬甸民主派領袖昂山素姬舉行會晤,並承諾美國將為緬甸民主改革提供更多支援。

  •   The two women held hands as they spoke to reporters Friday from the veranda of Aung San Suu Kyi's home in Rangoon, where the democracy leader was held under house arrest for most of the past two decades.
  • 這兩位女人星期五在昂山素姬位於仰光她曾被軟禁的住所的陽臺上會見記者時拉著手;昂山素姬在過去 20 年的大部分時間裏被軟禁在她的住所。

  •   Clinton said the U.S. will contribute about $1.2 million in aid to Burma for landmine victims, microfinance operations, and health care initiatives.
  • 希拉芯說,美國將提供大約 120 萬美元援助用於幫助緬甸地雷受害者、發展小額信貸和改善醫療保健。

  •   Clinton praised Aung San Suu Kyi's "steadfast and clear" leadership, saying that the U.S. wants to see Burma take its rightful place in the world. She called the democracy leader an inspiration.
  • 希拉芯讚揚昂山素姬 “堅定而明確” 的領導;她說,美國希望看到緬甸得到其在世界應有的地位;她說昂山素姬是一個鼓舞。


  • (2011-12-02)------

  • German Chancellor Says European Countries to Create Fiscal Union
  • 德國總理:歐洲國家將建立財政聯盟
  •   German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a speech to parliament Friday that European nations are moving toward a "fiscal union" with more stringent budgetary oversight in order to deal with the eurozone debt crisis.
  • 德國總理理默克爾星期五在議會發表演講時說,為了應對歐元區債務危機而採取嚴格的預算監督,歐洲正越來越朝著 “財政聯盟” 的方向靠近。

  •   Chancellor Merkel's comments came hours after French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced Thursday night that he and Ms. Merkel, as the leaders of Europe's two biggest economies, would offer a new plan next week to rescue Europe from its debt crisis and save the euro currency.
  • 默克爾發表這一言論的幾小時前,法國總統薩科齊宣佈,做為歐洲兩個最大經濟體的領導人,他和德國總理默克爾將在下周提出一項新的計劃,使歐洲擺脫債務危機,並挽救歐元。

  •   Mr. Sarkozy offered few details of the shape of a new Europe.
  • 薩科齊幾乎沒有透露有關新歐洲形態的細節情況。

  •   But said the two countries would push for a new agreement to replace the 1992 Maastricht Treaty that created the European Union and led to the advent of the euro in 1999.
  • 但是他表示,法、德兩國將努力達成新協議,來取代馬斯特里赫特條約;該條約是創建歐盟和 1999 年啟用歐元的基礎。

  •   It is now the currency for 17 nations, but Mr. Sarkozy said there could be no common currency without "economic convergence," an apparent reference to greater central control over the budgets of individual erozone nations.
  • 歐元目前是17個國家的共通貨幣,但是薩科齊說,“沒有經濟的融合” 就不可能有共通貨幣;這顯然是指歐元區應該對區域內的各成員國的預算規劃擁有更大的控制權。

  •   Any treaty changes would have to be approved by all 27 EU members, 10 of which have their own currencies.
  • 任何條約上的變動都必須得到歐盟 27 國的批准,歐盟中有 10 個國家使用本國貨幣。

EPT 美語
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