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十二月份 第 15 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2012-12-21)------

  • Tax Vote Delay Raises Fiscal Uncertainty
  • 眾議院延期稅案表決 財政不確定性增加
  •   The top Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives says it is now up to President Barack Obama to work with the Senate's leader on a plan to avert a year-end crisis that analysts say could plunge the economy into recession.
  • 美國國會眾議院共和黨領袖貝納議長說,現在取決於歐巴馬總統是否與參議院領袖展開合作,研究避免年底出現財政懸崖危機的計劃;分析人士說,財政懸崖有可能讓美國經濟陷入衰退。

  •   House Speaker John Boehner issued the statement late Thursday, shortly after House Republican leaders abruptly put off a vote on his proposal that would have let tax rates rise for those earning $1 million or more.
  • 星期四晚間,在眾議院共和黨領導人突然推遲就議長貝納提出的稅收案進行的表決後不久,貝納議長發表聲明;按照貝納的方案,收入 100 萬美元以上的家庭稅率將提高。

  •   Boehner said he did not have enough support to pass the measure, although earlier in the day he had predicted victory.
  • 貝納說,他沒有得到足夠的支持以通過這一方案;而早些時候他曾預計方案能夠得到通過。

  •   A vote would have been largely symbolic. Leaders in the Democratic-controlled Senate said Boehner's plan had no chance of passing in that chamber.
  • 投票表決主要具有的是象徵意義;民主黨主控的參議院領導人說,貝納的方案沒有任何可能性能夠在參議院過關。

  •   Also, President Barack Obama, who wants a tax break extended only up to the $400,000 income level, had vowed to veto the measure even if both houses of Congress passed it.
  • 而歐巴馬總統則誓言,即使參眾兩院均通過貝納的方案,他也將否決此方案;歐巴馬希望,減稅只適用於家庭收入達 40 萬美元以下的人。

  •   Senate Democrats have already passed a bill that raises taxes on income higher than $250,000. They have said this is the plan they want from Boehner in the House.
  • 參議院的民主黨人已經通過一項議案,將收入高於 25 萬美元的家庭稅率提高;他們表示,這是他們希望眾議院議長貝納拿出的方案。

  •   It is unlikely that there will be any more House action until lawmakers return from their break for the December 25 Christmas holiday.
  • 國會議員們將於 12 月 25 日開始聖誕節休假;直到他們歸來之前,眾議院不大可能採取任何其他行動。

  •   Earlier in the week, the president said he and Boehner were relatively close to an agreement on a compromise to avert what Washington is calling a "fiscal cliff" -- $500 billion in mandated spending cuts and tax increases that would affect almost all American workers starting January 1.
  • 本星期早些時候,歐巴馬總統曾說,他和貝納已經相對接近達成協議;如果雙方無法達成妥協,美國在 1 月 1 日就要跌入所謂 “財政懸崖”,也就是自動削減 5000 億美元的政府開支,並使幾乎所有工作的美國人都要多繳稅。


  • (2012-12-21)------

  • WHO: Malaria Still Poses Threat
  • 世界衛生組織:瘧疾仍然是威脅
  •   The World Health Organization says that despite great progress in treating and preventing malaria in many affected countries over the past decade, a shortage of funds could lead to a resurgence of the disease.
  • 世界衛生組織說,雖然很多瘧疾流行的國家過去 10 年裏在防治瘧疾方面取得很大進展,但是資金短缺可能會導致瘧疾捲土重來。

  •   The WHO's new annual report on malaria says global support for the fight against malaria has stalled in the past year after a rapid expansion between 2004 and 2009.
  • 世界衛生組織發佈的瘧疾新年度報告說,防治瘧疾的工作在 2004 年到 2009 年取得快速進展後,全球對防治瘧疾工作的支持在過去一年裏陷入停滯。

  •   The report issued this week says that as a result, the delivery of insecticide-treated mosquito nets delivered to endemic countries in sub-Saharan Africa dropped by more than one-half over the past two years -- from 145 million in 2010 to 66 million in 2012.
  • 本週發佈的這份報告說,其結果是,在過去兩年裏,向瘧疾流行的撒哈拉南部國家發放防蚊處理蚊帳的數量下降了一半以上,從 2010 年的 1 億 4500 萬頂跌到 2012 年的 6600 萬頂。

  •   Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo are the hardest hit countries in that region.
  • 尼日利亞和剛果民主共和國是該地區受衝擊最嚴重的國家。

  •   India is the most affected country in Asia.
  • 在亞洲,印度是受影響最大的國家。

  •   WHO official Richard Cidulskis says an estimated 1.1 million deaths from malaria have been averted in 10 most affected countries in Africa.
  • 世界衛生組織官員理查德‧斯杜爾斯基斯說,在非洲 10 個瘧疾流行最嚴重的國家裏,估計有 110 萬人避免死於瘧疾。

  •   He said another 50 countries are on track to reduce malaria incidence by 75 percent by 2015.
  • 他說,另外 50 個國家正致力於在 2015 年將瘧疾病例減少 75 %。

  •   But he says a decrease in funds for medication, nets and other means of fighting the disease could lead to its renewed spread.
  • 不過他說,減少提供藥物、蚊帳和其他防治瘧疾的工具等方面的資金,將導致瘧疾感染捲土重來。

EPT 美語
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