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十二月份 第 16 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2011-12-27)------

  • North Korea Prepares For Kim Funeral
  • 朝鮮準備金正日葬禮
  •   North Korea is preparing its ceremonial farewell Wednesday to late leader Kim Jong Il, as the world watches for clues to future power brokers in the secretive, nuclear-armed nation.
  • 朝鮮正在準備已故領導人金正日星期三的葬禮;與此同時,全世界正在關注這個行跡隱秘、擁有核武器的國家未來實際掌權人物的蛛絲馬跡。

  •   Pyongyang's state media have, so far, given no details of the planned event, and foreigners are barred.
  • 平壤國營媒體迄今沒有公佈葬禮的任何細節;朝鮮禁止外國人參加葬禮。

  •   But analysts expect the ceremony to be similar to that of Mr. Kim's father and founding president Kim Il Sung, which highlighted the hallmarks of his rule and strengthened loyalty to his dynastic successor.
  • 但是分析人士預計,金正日的葬禮會類似於他的父親、朝鮮開國領導人金日成的葬禮,即強調他統治的豐功偉績,並加強對他世襲接班人的忠誠。

  •   North Korean official media continued to establish newly-anointed leader Kim Jong Un's leadership credentials, announcing Monday that Mr. Kim had been appointed to the top post in the Communist Party.
  • 朝鮮官方媒體繼續確立新領導人金正恩的領導權威;星期一,朝鮮媒體宣佈他被任命為朝鮮勞動黨的最高領導人。

  •   The young leader met Monday in Pyongyang with a private delegation of prominent South Koreans, in his first public encounter with foreign visitors since the death of his father was announced last week.
  • 這位年輕的領導人星期一在平壤會見了一個由南韓知名人士組成的民間代表團;這是朝鮮上星期宣佈金正日去世後,金正恩首次會見外國訪客。

  •   Foreign governments are watching events in Pyongyang closely because of concerns over the young Mr. Kim's rise in a country with a nuclear program, a large army and a history of deep animosity towards its neighbors.
  • 其他國家的政府正在密切關注平壤的事態,因為年輕的金正恩執掌這個有核項目、龐大軍隊和對鄰國長期懷有強烈敵意的國家使外界感到擔憂。


  • (2011-12-27)------

  • Russia's Putin Accuses Opposition of Lacking Goals, Leaders
  • 普京指責反對派既無目標也無領袖
  •   Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says the opposition lacks goals and leaders, and he has rejected demands for a rerun of Russia's recent parliamentary elections.
  • 俄羅斯總理普京說,反對派既沒有目標,也沒有領袖;他拒絕了反對派提出的重新舉行議會選舉的要求。

  •   In comments to his supporters Tuesday, Mr. Putin said the opposition has no unified program, no clear way of reaching its aims and nobody who can achieve something "concrete."
  • 星期二,普京在向支援者講話時說,反對派沒有統一的綱領,也沒有明確的達成目標的途徑,反對派中沒有人能夠實現具體的成果。

  •   Mr. Putin also said he wants Russia's March presidential election to be absolutely transparent and insisted he does not need vote rigging to win the poll.
  • 普京還表示,他要讓三月舉行的總統選舉絕對透明,他堅持表示,他不需要操縱選舉來獲勝。

  •   Alleged voter fraud in the December 4 Russian parliamentary elections has spurred the largest protests since the collapse of the Soviet Union 20 years ago.
  • 有人指稱 12 月的議會選舉中有舞弊現象,這導致出現 20 年前蘇聯解體以來的最大規模的抗議活動。

  •   Activists say Mr. Putin's United Russia party illegally won a narrow majority in this month's parliamentary elections through vote fraud.
  • 活動人士說,普京的統一俄羅斯黨通過選票舞弊非法贏得這次選舉的勝利。

  •   They want to throw out the results and hold a new vote.
  • 他們要求宣佈選舉無效,再選一次。

  •   They also say measures are needed to prevent more fraud in Russia's presidential election in March, when Mr. Putin hopes to return to the post he held from 2000 to 2008.
  • 他們還表示,需要採取措施,防止在明年三月的總統大選中出現更多舞弊;普京希望重返總統寶座,他曾在 2000 年到 2008 年之間擔任總統。

EPT 美語
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