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十二月份 第 17 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2011-12-28)------

  • Kim Jong Il's Funeral Held in Snowy Pyongyang
  • 平壤雪中為金正日送葬
  •   Tens of thousands of weeping North Koreans bade a final farewell to longtime leader Kim Jong Il Wednesday as a black hearse carried his coffin through the capital Pyongyang.
  • 數以萬計痛哭流涕的朝鮮人星期三參加長期領導人金正日的葬禮;一輛黑色的靈車穿過平壤的街道,把靈柩送到葬禮地點。

  •   Snow filled the gray skies as the funeral procession began early Wednesday.
  • 葬禮於星期三清早開始時,陰霾的天空中大雪迷漫。

  •   A black limousine with a huge portrait of the late leader led the procession through Pyongyang's snow-covered streets, followed by another limousine with Mr. Kim's flag-draped coffin resting atop on a bed of white flowers.
  • 一輛載著金正日巨幅畫像的黑色轎車引導送葬隊伍穿過白雪覆蓋的平壤街道,緊隨其後的是載著金正日靈柩的另一輛轎車,靈柩下面佈滿白色的花朵。

  •   Bitterly weeping mourners lined the streets, many wailing and flailing their arms in grief as soldiers struggled to keep them from spilling onto the road.
  • 哭泣的送葬者站在街道兩旁,許多人嚎啕大哭,揮舞臂膀,企圖衝到馬路當中;但被警衛人員阻攔。

  •   Images broadcast on North Korea's state television showed Mr. Kim's son and successor, Kim Jong Un, dressed in a dark overcoat, hand raised in salute, walking alongside his father's hearse as it returned to the huge square of the Kumsusan Memorial Palace.
  • 朝鮮國家電視臺播放的畫面顯示,金正日的柩車駛離巨大的錦繡山紀念宮廣場時,他的繼任者兒子金正恩走在柩車旁邊;他身穿黑色大衣,在雪中微微垂首,並舉起右臂行禮。

  •   The funeral ceremony will continue Thursday.
  • 葬禮星期四將繼續進行。

  •   Foreign governments are watching events in Pyongyang closely because of concerns about the young Mr. Kim's rise in a country with a nuclear program, a large army and a history of deep animosity toward its neighbors.
  • 各國政府目前都在密切注視平壤的活動,主要擔心金正恩在朝鮮的崛起,而朝鮮是一個擁有核項目和龐大軍隊而且對鄰國一貫懷有極大敵意的國家。

  •   Official media have been quick to declare Kim Jong Un as the "great successor," supreme military commander and chief of the ruling Worker's Party.
  • 朝鮮官方媒體迅速宣佈金正恩是 “偉大的接班人”、最高軍事統帥和執政的勞動黨的領袖。

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