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十二月份 第 17 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2012-12-25)------

  • Pope Benedict Prays for Peace in Christmas Message
  • 教皇在聖誕節祝辭中為世界和平祈禱
  •   Pope Benedict prayed for peace, especially in the Middle East, in his Christmas Eve mass, as Christians around the world prepared to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ more than 2,000 years ago.
  • 教皇本篤 16 世在舉行聖誕夜彌撒時為和平、特別是中東地區的和平祈禱,與此同時,全世界的基督徒準備慶祝耶穌在 2000 多年前誕生。

  •   Addressing the faithful in a packed St. Peter's Basilica late Monday, the pontiff called for an end to the bloodshed in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and their neighbors.
  • 星期一晚間,教皇在擠滿信眾的聖彼德大教堂呼籲結束敘利亞、黎巴嫩、伊拉克以及中東其他地區的流血衝突。

  •   He also prayed that the Israelis and Palestinians may be able to live together in peace.
  • 他還祈禱以色列和巴勒斯坦能夠和平相處。

  •   Thousands of tourists from all over the world gathered in the West Bank town of Bethlehem to celebrate the holiday at the place where Christians believe Jesus was born.
  • 來自世界各地的成千上萬遊客聚集在約旦河西岸的伯利恒,歡度聖誕;基督徒相信他們的救世主耶穌基督誕生在這裏。

  •   This year's holiday was particularly joyous for their Palestinian hosts, who just last month received United Nations recognition for an independent state of Palestine.
  • 今年的聖誕節對東道主巴勒斯坦來說格外喜慶,因為聯合國上個月承認巴勒斯坦為一個獨立國家。

  •   In his annual pre-Christmas homily, the top Roman Catholic bishop in the area, Fouad Twal, celebrated that achievement for the Palestinians and urged them to work with the Israelis to end the region's seemingly endless conflict.
  • 在每年一度的聖誕前佈道中,耶路撒冷教區最高的羅馬天主教大主教祝賀巴勒斯坦人取得的成就,並敦促他們同以色列一道結束該地區似乎永無休止的衝突。

  •   Despite cold weather, the festivities continued late into the evening, with some tourists calling it a moving experience.
  • 雖然天氣很冷,慶祝活動一直持續到深夜;一些遊客說,此情此景令人感動。


  • (2012-12-25)------

  • A Burmese passenger Jet made a forced landing on a road in Burma
  • 一架緬甸噴氣客機迫降在緬甸公路
  •   Two people are dead after a Burmese passenger jet was forced to make an emergency landing Tuesday morning in eastern Shan state.
  • 星期二,緬甸一架客機在撣邦東部緊急迫降,造成兩人死亡。

  •   The Air Bagan plane, carrying 65 passengers and six crew members on a flight from Rangoon, landed on a road about three kilometers from Heho airport.
  • 蒲甘航空公司這架從仰光起飛的班機載有 65 名乘客和 6 名機組人員,在距離河湖機場大約 3 公里處的一條公路上著陸。

  •   Shan state is home to Inle Lake, a popular tourist destination.
  • 撣邦的茵麗湖是一個旅遊勝地。

  •   The dead includes an 11-year-old passenger and a man riding a motorcycle on the road.
  • 遇難者中包括一名 11 歲的兒童和一名在公路上騎摩托車的男子。

  •   Officials say 11 people were injured, including the pilot and four foreign passengers.
  • 有關官員說,有 11 人受傷,包括駕駛員和 4 名外國乘客。

  •   The cause of the crash is not known, but the French news agency is quoting a government official who says the crew reported a fire in one of the plane's engines as it approached the airport.
  • 這次事故的原因還不清楚,但法新社援引一名政府官員的話說,這架班機飛近機場時,機組人員報告一個引擎起火。

EPT 美語
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