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十二月份 第 19 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][10][09][08][07]

  • (2006-12-27)------

  • Taiwan President's Son-in-law Gets 6 Year Sentence for Insider Trading
  • 台灣總統女婿因內線交易被判六年監禁
  •   A court in Taipei has convicted Chao Chien-ming, the son-in-law of Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian on insider stock trading charges and sentenced him to six-years in prison.
  • 台灣一家法院認定總統陳水扁的女婿趙建銘犯有內線股票交易罪,判處有期徒刑六年。

  •   Chao Chien-ming was found guilty Wednesday of using privileged information to buy shares of a partly state-owned property development company.
  • 趙建銘星期三被認定利用特權信息購買一家部份國有房地產開發公司股票的罪行成立。

  •   Chao's father, Chao Yu-chu, was convicted on similar charges, plus embezzlement, and sentenced to eight years and four months in prison.
  • 趙建銘的父親趙玉柱星期三也因類似指控和挪用公款被判處8年零4個月有期徒刑。

  •   President Chen's wife, Wu Shu-chen, is on trial with three presidential aides on charges including embezzlement, forgery and perjury.
  • 陳水扁總統的妻子吳淑珍與總統的三名助手正在因挪用公款、偽造證據和作偽證等各項指控接受審判。

  •   Mr. Chen insists he is innocent of any wrongdoing connected to the cases, but has said he would step down if his wife is found guilty.
  • 陳水扁總統堅持說,他沒有涉及這些案子中的任何不法行為,是清白的。但他同時表示,如果他的妻子被判有罪,他就會辭職。


  • (2006-12-27)------

  • President Bush: Late Former President Gerald Ford Was 'Great American'
  • 布希:已故前總統福特是「偉大美國人」
  •   President Bush has praised late former president Gerald Ford as "a great American," who will be remembered for his devotion to duty, personal character and the honorable conduct of his administration."
  • 美國總統布希稱讚剛剛故去的前總統傑拉爾德.福特是「偉大的美國人」,後人將懷念福特的敬業精神、個人品格和當政時期的誠信行為。

  •   Bush said in a brief statement early Wednesday that Mr. Ford helped heal the country and restore public confidence in the presidency with his "quiet integrity, common sense, and kind instincts."
  • 布希星期三早上在一份簡短聲明中說,福特以他的「沉著正直、判斷力和善良的本能」幫助美國彌合創傷,並重新樹立了公眾對總統的信心。

  •   A White House spokesman says President Bush also spoke with Mr. Ford's wife, former First Lady Betty Ford, to express his personal condolences.
  • 白宮發言人說,布希總統還與福特的妻子、前第一夫人貝蒂.福特通了話,表達了他個人的哀悼。

  •   Vice President Cheney, who was Mr. Ford's White House chief of staff, said President Ford gave the country strength, wisdom and good judgment during the United States' greatest constitutional crisis since the Civil War, and restored the public's trust in the presidency.
  • 美國副總統錢尼曾在福特任期內擔任白宮辦公廳主任.他說,福特總統在美國遭遇自內戰以來最大的憲法危機時,給予美國力量、智慧和良好的判斷力,重振了美國公眾對總統的信任。

  •   Nancy Reagan, the widow of late President Ronald Reagan, praised Mr. Ford for his "vast" dedication to the country. Mrs. Ford says her husband's life was filled with "love of God, his family and his country."
  • 已故總統雷根的夫人南希.雷根稱讚了福特對美國的「巨大」貢獻.福特夫人說,她丈夫的一生充滿了對上帝、對家人和對國家的愛。

EPT 美語
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