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五月份 第 07 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2013-05-09) ------

  • China Detains Activists Calling for Greater Government Transparency
  • 中國當局拘留呼籲政府更加透明的活動人士
  •   Chinese authorities have detained an activist for "inciting subversion" after she led a campaign pushing for government officials to publicly disclose their wealth.
  • 中國當局以 “煽動顛覆國家政權罪” 拘留了江西活動人士劉萍;此前劉萍曾倡議政府官員財產公開。

  •   A lawyer for Liu Ping says police in province of Jiangxi detained the 48-year-old activist last month.
  • 劉萍的律師說,江西警方上個月拘留了 48 歲的活動人士劉萍。

  •   There has not been any public statement on the subversion charges, an accusation often made against government critics.
  • 目前還沒有公佈 “煽動顛覆國家政權罪” 的任何法定文書;這種罪名通常針對的是政府的批評人士。

  •   Separately, Beijing police have reportedly detained 10 other anti-corruption activists.
  • 另一方面,北京警方據稱拘留了 10 名反腐敗活動人士。

  •   A lawyer for some of those detained told the French news agency police charged the activists with "unlawful assembly" after they displayed a banner calling for greater government transparency.
  • 一些被拘留人士的一名律師對法新社說,在活動人士打出橫幅,呼籲政府增加透明度後,警方指控這些人 “非法集會”。

  •   Rights groups say the detentions call into question the stated commitment of China's new leader Xi Jinping to crack down on government corruption.
  • 人權組織說,這些人被拘留讓人們質疑中國新領導人習近平打擊政府腐敗的承諾。

  •   Since taking power last year in a once-a-decade power transfer, the new Communist government led by Mr. Xi has vowed to address the widespread corruption, warning it could threaten the party's grip on power.
  • 自從去年中共 10 年一次的權力更疊以來,以習近平為首的新的中共中央政府誓言要解決腐敗盛行的問題,中共警告說,腐敗將可危及中共的政權。

  •   But the government has also cracked down on those who wish to expose corruption. It has also tightly censored online criticism of government corruption that it views as being too sensitive.
  • 但是政府還壓制那些要揭露腐敗的人,並加緊在網際網路上對政府腐敗批評的審查;當局認為,這些批評太敏感。


  • (2013-05-09) ------

  • 7 Killed in Bangladesh Garment Factory Fire
  • 孟加拉國製衣廠大火死 7 人
  •   Officials in Bangladesh say at least seven people died in a fire in a garment factory in the capital late Wednesday.
  • 孟加拉國官員說,首都達卡一個製衣廠星期三晚間發生大火,導致至少 7 人喪生。

  •   The fire erupted in the Tung Hai Sweater Factory in Dhaka's Mirpur district after most workers had gone home.
  • 大火發生在達卡米爾普爾區內的東海毛衣廠,當時大多數工人都已下班回家。

  •   Authorities say police and garment factory officials were holding a meeting in the 11-story building when the fire broke out.
  • 當局說,火災發生時,警方和工廠官員正在這座高 11 層的大樓裏開會。

  •   Earlier Wednesday, the Bangladesh government said it had shut down 18 garment factories for safety reasons following the April 24 collapse of a building housing five garment factories. The death toll from that incident has risen to more than 800.
  • 星期三早些時候,孟加拉國政府說,由於安全因素,他們關閉了 18 家製衣廠;之前在 4 月 24 日一棟容納 5 家製衣廠的大樓坍塌,造成的死亡人數目前已經超過 800 人。

  •   Bangladesh's $20-billion textile industry accounts for nearly 80 percent of the country's exports.
  • 孟加拉國產值 200 億美元的紡織業佔其出口總額近 80 %。

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