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五月份 第 07 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]

  • (2010-05-11) ------

  • Clinton Pledges Long-term US Commitment to Afghanistan
  • 克林頓國務卿對阿富汗長期承諾
  •   U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the United States will not abandon Afghanistan, as she launched talks aimed at repairing strained relations between the two governments.
  • 美國國務卿希拉里.克林頓說,美國不會放棄阿富汗;與此同時,克林頓和阿富汗總統展開會談,目的是修補兩國政府的緊張關係。

  •   At the start of Tuesday's day-long dialogue in Washington, Clinton told Afghan President Hamid Karzai Tuesday that the United States will remain committed to Afghanistan's security and development long after "the last combatant has laid down arms."
  • 星期二在華盛頓舉行一天會談開始時,克林頓國務卿對阿富汗總統卡爾扎伊說,即使在最後一名戰鬥人員在阿富汗放下武器之後很久,美國仍將繼續致力於阿富汗的安全和發展。

  •   The United States had been vocal in its criticism of alleged corruption in the Afghan government and elections.
  • 美國對阿富汗政府據稱腐敗、選舉舞弊公開表示批評。

  •   The Afghans, meanwhile, have bitterly complained of civilian casualties in U.S.-led military operations.
  • 與此同時,阿富汗對美國為首的軍事行動造成阿富汗平民傷亡表示抱怨。

  •   Alluding to the recent discord, Clinton said two sovereign nations can not be expected to agree on every issue.
  • 克林頓國務卿暗指兩國最近的不和說,不可能指望兩個主權國家對每一個議題完全一致。

  •   She said the ability to disagree reflects a "level of trust" essential to a meaningful dialogue.
  • 她說,能夠在一些問題上求同存異,反映出“一定程度的信任”,這對有意義的對話來說是至關重要的。

  •   Mr. Karzai said such differences are a sign of a "mature" relationship.
  • 卡爾扎伊說,雙方間存在分歧是關係“成熟”的表現。

  •   President Karzai thanked Clinton for U.S. contributions in Afghanistan, saying gains in education, infrastructure, and security would not have been possible without the sacrifices of U.S. troops and U.S. financial backing.
  • 卡爾扎伊總統對美國在阿富汗的貢獻向克林頓國務卿表示感謝;他說,如果沒有美軍的犧牲和美國的財政支援,阿富汗在教育、基礎設施的和安全方面的改善幾乎不可能獲得。


  • (2010-05-11) ------

  • Russia Warns Middle East Situation Worsening
  • 俄羅斯警告中東局勢惡化
  •   Russia's president is warning that what he called a very bad situation in the Middle East could get worse.
  • 俄羅斯總統警告說,他所稱的已經非常嚴峻的中東局勢可能變得更糟。

  •   Russian President Dmitri Medvedev spoke at a news conference Tuesday with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad following a two-day visit to Damascus.
  • 俄羅斯總統梅德韋傑夫是在與敘利亞總統巴沙爾.阿薩德週二共同舉行的記者會上說這番話的;此前他對大馬士革進行了為期兩天的訪問。

  •   Mr. Medvedev said Russia would do whatever it can to help advance the Middle East peace process but criticized what he described as a lack of political will.
  • 梅德韋傑夫說,俄羅斯將盡其所能,幫助推動中東和平進程,但他批評他所說的缺乏政治意願的觀點。

  •   The Russian leader also said he agreed with his Syrian counterpart that the United States could play a more active role.
  • 這位俄羅斯領袖還說,他與敘利亞總統巴沙爾‧阿薩德一致認為,美國可以發揮更積極的作用。

  •   Both Russia and the U.S. are members of the so-called international "Quartet," along with the European Union and the United Nations, which has been trying to foster peace in the region.
  • 俄羅斯、美國、歐盟與聯合國都是所謂的國際“四方”成員,他們一直在努力促進該地區的和平。


EPT 美語
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