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EPT 美語
首頁 / 免費英文自學教材 / 片語 / 第二部 / 第01課

第二部 第一課 --- 請重複跟讀,直到可以於聲音檔的留空之間唸完整句為止;熟練之後您必將可以 "脫口而出" 地說出標準的美式英語

  • at least
  • You should read at least one book a month.
  • I am poor, but at least I follow the law!
  • at once
  • Einstein wanted to start working at once.
  • How can you do so many things at once?
  • at one time
  • Ian was at one time so devoted to playing the piano.
  • Jeffrey dribbled three balls at one time.
  • at present
  • At present, I still don't want to retire.
EPT 美語
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