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2025.02.17 02:58
第十七部 第五課: rough it , creep someone out
- Larry 和李華週末在國家公園野營。李華今天要學兩個常用語,rough it 和 creep someone out。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- I just love camping, Li Hua. Isn't it great to be roughing it?
- "Roughing it"那是什麼意思呀? 聽起來好像挺恐怖的。
- To rough it means to do without the comforts of civilization.
- 噢,rough it就是在艱苦條件下生活的意思。
- Right. Here we are camping out in the woods instead of staying in a hotel.
- 我們沒去住旅館,而是在野外宿營,所以你說這是在rough it. 可是我們有帳篷、有燈籠、還有睡袋,應該挺舒服的。
- You know, Li Hua, I really enjoy roughing it. I love to breathe in the fresh outdoor smells and enjoying looking at nature instead of watching TV.
- 就是啊,這裡空氣真新鮮,天好像都比城裡藍。
- But there are some people who don't enjoy roughing it. My dad loves camping, but my mother really doesn't.
- 你媽媽為什麼不喜歡野營?
- She really enjoys her comforts. She doesn't like to be too hot or too cold.
- 外出野營確實沒有在家裡舒適。我小時候在中國根本從來沒有野營過。我父母都不喜歡rough it.
- While some people don't like to rough it, there are times when you have to. Do you remember the big hurricane we had last year?
- 當然記得。那場大風刮斷了電線,害得我們停電一星期,只好因陋就簡,用蠟燭照明,用煤氣爐燒飯。
- Even though we were in our houses, we had to rough it a little until the power came back on.
- Larry, 這兒的洗手間在哪?
- Well, you know, Li Hua, we ARE roughing it.
- 不會連洗手間都沒有吧!那你剛才...
- Ha ha, just kidding, Li Hua. There is a restroom down the path over there. I may like to rough it, but there is no way I am going to a campground without a bathroom!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- (Owl sounds, other night sounds)
- What is that sound, Li Hua?! It is really creeping me out, and I can't sleep.
- Larry, 不過是隻貓頭鷹而已。別擔心,貓頭鷹是不會爬到你身上來的。
- Even though "creep" does mean to crawl slowly along the ground like a worm or a caterpillar, that isn't what I meant by "creep out."
- 那你說creep out裡面的creep不是爬的意思?那是什麼意思啊?
- When I said it crept me out, I meant the sound of the owl was bothering me or disturbing me so I couldn't sleep. Actually, it was making me a little scared.
- 沒想到你這樣的大男人也會害怕一隻貓頭鷹。
- Come on, Li Hua. You've got to admit it is a little scary being out in the woods all by ourselves. Aren't you a little crept out, too?
- 說實話,我也有點兒怕。對不起, Larry我不該笑話你。
- What is creeping you out, Li Hua?
- 我倒是不害怕貓頭鷹的叫聲,可是一想到可能會有蜘蛛和蟲子在我睡袋裡爬來爬去,我就渾身上下不自在。
- Well, we are in the woods, and there are lots of spiders and bugs in the woods. Now that you mention it, spiders creep me out, too. We'll never get to sleep.
- 那要不咱倆兒說點兒別的,沒準注意力一轉移,就不會去想那些嚇人的事了。
- When I was young and went camping with my friends, we always told ghost stories to each other. We had a lot of fun creeping each other out.
- 什麼,講鬼故事?Larry! 不許嚇唬我!我們現在是要設法不去想那些嚇人的事,不是creep each other out!
- I guess you are right, Li Hua...
- (Snoring sounds)
- Hey, did you hear that? I heard another strange noise that is really creeping me out.
- 別鬧了。那是我在打呼嚕呢!我不行了,快睡吧!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語.一個是 rough it, 意思是在艱苦的條件下生活。另一個是 creep someone out, 意思是讓人毛骨聳然。