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2025.01.15 00:24
三月份 第 17 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]
- (2009-03-24) ------
- Peace Conference Postponed After Dalai Lama Banned
- 達賴喇嘛被拒入境和平會議推遲
- A South African conference of Nobel Peace Prize winners has been postponed, after the South African government denied a visa to the Dalai Lama.
- 南非政府拒絕向達賴喇嘛發放簽證後,計劃在南非舉行的諾貝爾和平獎得主會議已經推遲。
- Irvin Khoza, one of the conference organizers, told reporters Tuesday that the event will take place when all those invited can attend.
- 會議組織者之一科扎星期二對記者說,只有在所有受邀者能夠與會的情況下,會議才能舉行。
- Activists for Tibet say China, which is one of South Africa's major trading partners, pressured the government into barring the Dalai Lama.
- 為西藏爭取權益的活動人士說,南非的主要貿易夥伴之一中國施加壓力,迫使南非政府不准達賴喇嘛入境。
- The government has denied that China had any role in the decision.
- 南非政府否認中國在其決定上有任何作用。
- A government spokesman said Monday that the visa was denied because a visit from the Tibetan spiritual leader would distract attention from South Africa hosting next year's (football/soccer) World Cup.
- 南非政府發言人星期一說,拒絕向達賴喇嘛發放簽證,是因為這位西藏精神領袖的到訪將分散人們對南非明年主辦世界盃足球賽事的注意力。
- The planned peace conference was to focus on ways sports can promote racial and ethnic harmony.
- 這次計劃中的和平會議將重點討論如何使體育促進種族及民族和諧。
- (2009-03-24) ------
- North Korea Warns Against UN Sanctions for Rocket Launch
- 北韓警告聯合國莫對火箭發射制裁
- North Korea warned Tuesday that any United Nations sanctions imposed as punishment for the country's rocket launch would cause a breakdown of six-nation disarmament talks.
- 北韓星期二警告說,聯合國對北韓發射火箭實施任何懲罰性制裁都將導致裁軍的六方會談破裂。
- The North's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Pyongyang would view punitive measures as a violation of the spirit of a disarmament-for-aid pact Pyongyang signed with five other countries in 2007.
- 北韓外交部發表聲明說,平壤將把懲罰措施視為違反平壤 2007 年與 5 個國家簽署的裁軍換援助協議的精神。
- North Korea says it will launch what it calls an experimental satellite into space between April fourth and April eighth.
- 北韓說,將在 4 月 4 號至 4 月 8 號期間向太空發射一顆它所說的試驗衛星。
- The United States, Japan and South Korea say Pyongyang intends to use the launch as a test of its long-range ballistic missile capability.
- 美國、日本和南韓說,平壤打算利用這次發射測試其遠程彈道導彈的能力。
- Japan and South Korea have warned North Korea it will face a strong international response if it goes ahead with the launch.
- 日本和南韓警告北韓說,如果北韓實施發射計劃,將面對國際社會的強烈反應。