第三部 第二課:請重複跟讀,直到可以於聲音檔的留空之間順暢唸完整句為止。 (首先:可看著例句的文字跟讀。 最後:不看例句的文字亦可順暢地完成跟讀。)

- found
- [動 詞] 找出, 找到, 發現. (find 的過去式與過去分詞)
- We found this bed quite comfortable.
- 我們覺得這張床相當舒適.
- I found that I could not study well with the radio on.
- 我發現收音機開著時我沒辦法把書唸好.
- fun
- [名 詞] 樂趣, 娛樂, 嬉戲.
- I really had fun tonight.
- 今晚我玩得很開心.
- If I had been able to speak English then, I would not have been made fun of.
- 如果我那時候會講英語, 我就不會被取笑了.
- [形容詞] 有趣的.
- funny
- [形容詞] 有趣的, 古怪的, 狡詐的.
- What's so funny?
- 什麼事這麼有趣啊?
- He always makes people laugh by telling them funny stories.
- 他總是可以藉著講個好笑的故事而逗人發笑.
- game
- [名 詞] 運動, 遊戲, 競賽.
- The ball game ended at 5 p.m.
- 球賽在下午 5 點時結束了.
- Please bring a chair and join us in the game.
- 請拉一把椅子來加入我們的遊戲.
- go
- [動 詞] 去, 離去, 變為.
- I wanted to go, but she liked to stay.
- 那時我想要走, 但她想要留下來.
- [口 語] 加油, 輪到機會.
- It's his turn now! Go! Go! Go!
- 現在輪到他了! 加油! 加油! 加油!