第八部 第18課:請重複跟讀,直到可以於聲音檔的留空之間順暢唸完整句為止。 (首先:可看著例句的文字跟讀。 最後:不看例句的文字亦可順暢地完成跟讀。)

- brother
- [名 詞] 兄弟, 男性的親屬, 同伴.
- At first I took him for your brother.
- 剛開始我還以為他是你的哥哥 (或弟弟) 呢!
- At the party the other night, my brother drank a bit too much and passed out.
- 聚會的那晚我哥 (或弟) 喝多了酒並且醉倒了.
- case
- [名 詞] 事實, 實例, 箱, 殼, 案件, 訴訟.
- Chances are few in any case.
- 不管在哪種情況下機會都很微小.
- [動 詞] 把 … 裝入箱子(或容器)中, (竊盜前)事先察看(房子等). (過去式與過去分詞為 cased)
- They will case the bottles and ship them out.
- 他們將把瓶子裝箱然後運出去.
- chicken
- [名 詞] (小)雞, 小鳥, 雞肉, (俚語)膽小鬼. (複數為 chickens)
- Which do you like better, chicken or fish?
- 你比較喜歡哪一個, 雞還是魚?
- [動 詞] 做事如膽小鬼.
- He chickened out on me.
- 他膽小而不守信用 (他不遵守跟我的約定).
- [形容詞] 雞肉的, 膽小的.
- child
- [名 詞] 小孩, 兒童, 子女.
- You must keep an eye on the child.
- 你務必要看顧好那個小孩.
- A child is crying somewhere.
- 有個小孩在某處哭.
- children
- [名 詞] 小孩, 兒童, 子女. (child 的複數)
- He can't work when there are children running around in the house.
- 當有小孩子們在屋子裡跑來跑去他就無法工作.
- You should be a good example to your children.
- 你應該要當你孩子的好榜樣.