現在線上人數 157人
2024.09.09 05:51
第十二部 第九課: dump , ham
- 李華看到報上登出的有關公寓的廣告,租金呢比較便宜,於是她和 Larry 一起去看那個公寓.今天李華會學到兩個常用語: dump 和 ham。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Oh my God! This place is a dump! You couldn't possibly live here!
- 這地方真夠糟的哎! Larry,你說這是個 dump,那是什麼意思啊?
- "Dump" as in "garbage dump." I mean that this place is far too dirty and poorly maintained for you to live in it.
- 所以 dump 就是指像垃圾堆一樣,很髒,各種條件都很差 .... 哎喲!有一隻大蟑螂剛剛跑過去哎.這地方真的是個 dump,怪不得啊租金這麼便宜。
- The paint is peeling off of the walls, the ceiling leaks, and the refrigerator looks 50 years old. I don't think I've ever seen such a dump.
- 你說的沒錯,這牆上的油漆都剝落了,天花板在漏水,冰箱啊看起來又舊又髒.算了算了,我們還是走吧!別在這兒浪費時間了,我可不想住在這種地方. It's really a dump。
- Are there any other apartments that you were planning to go and see today?
- 還有一個地方我想去看,離這兒啊只有幾條街,但願那個地方啊不像這裡這麼差勁。
- I don't know, Li Hua. This really isn't a very good area of the city. Maybe you should look at apartments somewhere else.
- 這個區域不好啊,我想也是,不然這裡的公寓租金啊不會那麼便宜的!不過,要是到別的地方去找,那租金啊可能比我現在付的還要高呢。
- That's possible. In that case, I think that maybe you should stay in your current apartment.
- 是嗎?你認為我該繼續住在我現在的公寓裡?也許你說的對,我的公寓租金啊其實也不算太貴,而且很舒服呢。
- Your apartment is a palace compared to this dump.
- 那倒是,和這裡比起來啊,我那個公寓可算是皇宮啦.我還是打消搬家的念頭吧!
- That's a good idea.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Hey, Li Hua, are those pictures from the party last weekend?
- 沒錯,這些啊是上個禮拜開 party 時照的照片,昨天才剛洗出來呢.嘿!你看, Sally 啊真會搶鏡頭,幾乎每張照片啊都有她呢。
- Yeah, Sally's a real ham. She loves attention.
- She's a ham? Ham 不是火腿嗎?那是一種豬肉嘛!哦~!你是說 Sally 像一隻豬啊?
- (Laughing) No, I'm not saying she looks like a pig. Ham is slang for someone who loves attention. People who are hams especially love being videotaped or having their picture taken.
- 哦~! Ham 在這裡是指一個喜歡吸引別人注意的人.這種人啊特別喜歡錄像、照像.照這麼說啊, Sally 絕對是個 ham,她啊特喜歡別人給她照相。
- If we videotape the party, I'm sure she would have played a starring role.
- 沒錯,要是那天我們錄像的話,她肯定會像個明星一樣,到處都是她了.對了, Larry,你知道還有誰也可以算是個 ham 嗎?
- I think Jane is a real ham. She'd do anything to attract people's attention.
- 對,Jane 那她也特別喜歡照像.她也可以說是個 ham.那你再猜猜誰是個 ham?
- No. Who?
- 你沒有注意到啊?我那隻貓咪小雪球啊!她呀也想盡辦法讓別人注意她.只要有人走進來,她立刻就衝上去,要別人看看她,摸摸她。
- My parents' dog is a real ham, too. He won't leave you alone until you pet him and give him his fare share of attention.
- 這些小動物啊都要別人注意它們.我的朋友說啊,要是她出門時間長啦,她的小狗還會很不高興呢。
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語.第一個是: dump,是指「一個像垃圾堆、很髒、條件很差的地方」.另一個常用語是: ham,是指「一個很喜歡別人注意、喜歡搶風頭的人」。