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十一月份 第 05 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]

  • (2010-11-05)------

  • At Least 70 More Killed in Biggest Indonesia Volcano Eruption Since 1870s
  • 印尼火山百年最大噴發又造成至少 70 多人死亡
  •   Indonesia's Mount Merapi has erupted with its biggest explosion in more than a century, killing at least 70 more people, incinerating homes and blanketing the region in white ash.
  • 印尼的默拉皮火山噴發,這是默拉皮一個多世紀以來最大的一次,已造成至少 70 多人死亡;大批房屋被焚燬,整個地區籠罩在白色的火山灰燼下。

  •   Authorities said Friday this latest in a series of eruptions over the last 11 days was the most ferocious yet.
  • 當局星期五說,火山在過去 11 天裏連續噴發,星期五的這次噴發是迄今為止最為猛烈的一次。

  •   Searing 750-degree (Celsius) gas flowed down the mountainside in a thunderous roar, and deadly plumes spewed ash four kilometers above the crater.
  • 高達 750 攝氏度的火山熔岩伴隨雷鳴般的咆哮聲從山頂傾流而下,山口火舌吐出的火山灰高達四公里。

  •   The heat was so intense that clothes and blankets were fused to the injured as they fled for safety.
  • 很多逃離火山噴發的人被烤焦了的衣服和毯子燙傷。

  •   The death toll from the eruptions has now risen to about 120 and is expected to increase as rescuers pull bodies out of the ash and rubble.
  • 自火山噴發以來,死亡人數已經上升到大約 120 人,但隨著救援人員從火山灰和碎石中拖出死難者屍體,預計死亡人數還會增加。

  •   Volcano experts said the Friday blast was the biggest since the 1870s. With the unpredictability of the volcano, authorities widened the danger zone around the mountain to 20 kilometers.
  • 火山專家說,星期五的火山噴發是自 1870 年代以來最大的一次;鋻於這一火山的不可預測性,印尼官員將“危險區域”擴大到方圓 20 公里。


  • (2010-11-05)------

  • Obama Begins Asian Economic Trip
  • 歐巴馬開始亞洲之行促進經濟聯繫
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama left Friday for a 10-day trip to Asia, on a mission to increase economic ties with the region's emerging economies.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬星期五已經啟程,開始了為期十天的亞洲之行,以加強和亞洲新興經濟體的經濟聯繫。

  •   Mr. Obama's first stop will be India, where he will spend four days visiting the financial center, Mumbai and the capital, New Delhi, accompanied by several U.S. business leaders.
  • 這次亞洲之行的首站是印度,歐巴馬將和一些美國商業領袖在印度的經濟中心孟買和首都新德里訪問四天。

  •   The president told reporters at the White House Thursday the region is one of "the fastest growing markets in the world," and his goal is to open up those markets to sell U.S. goods and create jobs.
  • 歐巴馬總統星期四在白宮對記者說,這一地區是“全球增長最快的市場”之一,他此行的目標是打開這些市場,從而購買美國產品,增加美國就業。

  •   His stay in India will be the longest time he has spent in a foreign country since taking office.
  • 歐巴馬總統對印度的訪問是他任職期間在外國停留時間最長的一次。

  •   After India, Mr. Obama will visit Indonesia, where he lived during part of his childhood, then travel to Seoul for the summit of leaders of the world's 20 biggest economies.
  • 歐巴馬之後將訪問他兒時曾經居住過的印度尼西亞,隨後前往首爾出席全球 20 個最大經濟體首腦首腦會議。

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