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首頁 / 免費英文自學教材 / 美國之音 / 流行美語 / 第十六部 / 第09課

第十六部 第九課: people person , know-it-all

  • Larry 正在跟李華談他最近回家看到哥哥和妹妹的情況。 李華今天會學會兩個常用語 people personknow-it-all
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • So, Li Hua, I just got back from seeing my family. It was a nice visit, and I was so impressed with my little sister Emily. She is such a people person.
  • 你說你妹妹Emily是什麼?A people person? Hey, Larry, 妹妹Emily當然是人嘛。
  • Oh, a people person is someone who is good around people and likes people. Emily definitely is a people person, and she has what we call "people skills."
  • 噢,原來people person就是喜歡而且善於跟人交往的人。
  • Right, people skills include being friendly, being a good conversationalist, and making other people comfortable. So, seeing Emily again reminded me what a people person she is.
  • 我真是很羨慕那些善於跟人交往的人。他們總是顯得很友好、也很健談,讓人喜歡。 你哥哥Ron呢? 他也是a people person?
  • No, Ron is very, very smart, but he is a not a people person. He likes to keep to himself, and when he is in a group, he doesn't talk very much.
  • 我知道你哥哥Ron很聰明。他是不太愛講話。原來他性格比較內向。你和你哥哥的性格是不是有點相似?
  • Well, I think I am somewhere in the middle. I am not as much of a people person Emily is, but I think I have more people skills than my older brother Ron.
  • 我看你也是處於中間,在人際關係方面趕不上Emily,但比哥哥要強一些。Larry, 那你覺得我是什麼水平呢?
  • You are a people person, Li Hua. I think you need to be a real people person to be a Chinese teacher.
  • 那倒不見得教中文的老師必須善於和人交往,其實任何老師都應該如此。 我們每天都要跟學生打交道嘛。
  • Being a people person can also be very useful when interviewing for a job.
  • 沒錯,找工作面試的時候, 公司總是喜歡能與人相處的僱員。
  • Yes, and my sister Emily told me she has an interview for an internship at a law firm. With her people skills, I am sure she will get it.
  • 沒錯,像Emily那樣討人喜歡的人,那律師事務所肯定會要她去實習的。
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • My older brother Ron drives me crazy sometimes, because he is such a know-it-all.
  • A know-it-all? 他什麼都知道。這不是好事嗎?
  • A know-it-all is someone who acts like they know every thing and want to show everyone that they know everything. But, they don't necessarily really know what they are talking about.
  • 噢,這兒說的a know-it-all不是真正的有知識,而是指那種喜歡喧耀自己什麼都知道, 可是其實並不見得都懂的人。
  • Let's take my older brother Ron as an example. Because Ron is such a know-it-all, you can't say a word without him correcting you or arguing with you.
  • 我碰到過這樣的人。不管你說什麼他都要更正你。 Larry, 如果你說得對呢?比如你說地球是圓的?
  • Well, in this case my know-it-all older brother would say to me, "You know, Larry, technically the earth is not round."
  • 什麼?! 他會說, 地球實際上並不是圓的?人人都知道地球是圓的。看來你哥哥並不是無所不知啊。
  • I'll give you another example. During this visit with my family, I said I thought Star Wars was the greatest science fiction movie of all time.
  • 許多人都認為[星球大戰]是科幻影片中最棒的。
  • No, Ron, said, "Actually, Larry, 'The Matrix' did much better at the box office."
  • 他怎麼這麼愛抬槓啊? The Matrix這部電影的票房收入比《星球大戰》還要高?我沒有調查,可是我才不信呢。
  • That's why Ron drives me crazy sometimes. I just want to have one conversation with him where he doesn't have to act like such a know-it-all.
  • 其實,我覺得Ron未必喜歡和你爭論,他可能是自卑,所以才裝出什麼都懂的樣子。
  • Oh, No, Li Hua, don't you start sounding like a know-it-all, too!
  • ………………………………………………………………………………
  • 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是 people person,這是指喜歡並善於跟人打交道的人。還有一個是 know-it-all,這是指那種自以為什麼都懂的人
EPT 美語
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