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2025.01.17 11:20
第十八部 第三課: bread , nest egg
- 李華告訴 Larry 說,她想多賺點錢,買機票回中國探親。李華今天要學兩個常用語:bread 和 nest egg.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Larry, 我想回中國看看我父母。I need to make some more bread.
- You need to make more bread? I know you aren't a baker, Li Hua, so you must have learned that bread is slang for money.
- 沒錯。那天我聽一個朋友說,他要跟父母借點錢,因為he was short on bread,缺錢花了。
- Well, Li Hua, how about you? Can you borrow some bread from your parents for a plane ticket home?
- 去中國的機票可貴了,我父母可出不起機票錢。要想回家,我唯一的辦法就是再出去兼一份差。
- Well, with the Christmas holidays coming up, there will be many opportunities for you to earn some bread.
- 是啊,快過節了,很多商店都需要人手,找份活兒應該不難。
- I wouldn't think so, but if you do have trouble, I can always loan you some bread.
- 謝謝你,Larry. 但是不到迫不得已,我還是希望自己想辦法。
- Okay, I understand. So, Li Hua, have you thought about where you might want to work?
- 我想到百貨商店去打工,雖然那裡的工作沒太大的意思,但是I'd really only be doing it for the bread.
- I think a department store is a good choice for you. Who knows? You may even be able to pay for your plane ticket to China and save a little bread.
- 我也是這麼希望的。我教中文的工資實在是不多,總覺得錢不夠花。
- Well, I am very lucky to have my job at the architect's office. Right now, I am bringing in a good amount of bread.
- 你的錢都花在什麼地方呢?
- Well, I spend a lot on monthly expenses, but I also try to save some bread every month and, if possible, invest it.
- 投資?看來你還挺有經濟頭腦的,Larry.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- Saving is important, Li Hua. I am trying to build a nest egg so that I can buy a house some day.
- 你要建一個窩裡的蛋?(開玩笑地說)那你什麼時候變成小鳥啊?
- (Laughs) No, no, Li Hua. A "Nest Egg" is a term for money put away in reserve for some special purpose - like getting married, buying a house, or retiring.
- 窩裡的蛋怎麼會指為結婚買房子存的錢呢?
- Well, as I understand it, a "nest egg" was originally a fake egg placed in a nest to attract birds to lay more eggs. By putting aside money as a nest egg, you hope it will grow and make more money.
- 噢,我明白了,窩裡的蛋原來指的是假蛋,放在那裡騙家禽多生蛋的,用來指錢,就好像是中文裡說的錢生錢的意思,放在銀行定期存款裡就是個辦法。
- Yes, my parents have done this. But, they have also invested some of their nest egg in the stock market.
- 投資股市可有風險,我就聽說過很多老年人投資股市,結果賠得一乾二淨。
- It can be, but my parents aren't investing in the stock market on their own. They have an investment company that is helping them manage their nest egg.
- 那就好,等我開始在百貨商店打工了,I hope I'll have a nest egg, too.
- Well, I am building a nest egg to someday buy a house - What about you, Li Hua? What is your nest egg for?
- 我先得存點錢應急,萬一哪天車壞了或是生一場大病,手裡有錢心裡就踏實多了。
- That's a good plan. My older brother wants to build a nest egg for his children.
- Wait a minute, Larry. 你哥哥不是沒孩子嗎?
- You are right, Li Hua, but he has recently gotten married, and he and his wife want to have children. They will need to have a big nest egg for that!
- 是啊,養孩子真的需要很多錢,特別是大學學費,做父母的確實需要提前做好準備。
- Yes, they won't just need a chicken-sized nest egg - they'll need an ostrich-sized nest egg!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是 bread, 指錢。另一個是 nest egg, 是存下來的錢。