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2025.02.19 03:16
第十八部 第八課: get into , grubby
- 李華在學校租了一塊花圃,讓 Larry 來幫忙。李華今天要學兩個常用語,get into 和 grubby.
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- I think it is great that you have rented a garden plot, Li Hua, but I don't think I can really get into gardening.
- You don't think you can "get into" gardening, Larry? 相信我,一點都不難,你只要跟我一起去,進了花圃就行了。Then you will be in the garden.
- Well, I may be in the garden, but that doesn't mean I'll get into gardening. To "get into" something means to really like something or to enjoy doing something.
- 噢,原來你說的get into是喜歡的意思。那你說you don't think you can get into gardening。意思就是說你不u會喜歡上園藝了?
- Right. I am sorry, Li Hua, because I know how much you get into gardening.
- 不過,你起碼應該試試看啊!
- Okay, Li Hua. I'll try it. Maybe I'll learn why you have gotten into gardening.
- 我喜歡園藝完全是因為我媽。我們小時候,她總是在家裡的院子裡種很多菜。
- That sounds nice. Fresh grown vegetables are so much better than the ones in the grocery store.
- 那你呢,Larry? What do you get into?
- Oh, you know me, Li Hua. I love computers. You know I really get into video games. I could play video games all day long.
- 我永遠搞不懂你為什麼那麼喜歡打電玩,我覺得打電玩很吵,而且打久了會很累。
- Well, every body gets into different things. You get into gardening, and I get into video games.
- 那也是。還有,我喜歡布魯斯,你喜歡搖滾樂。
- Yes, and while you can't understand how I can get into video games, Li Hua, I have never understood why you get into blues music. How can you listen to blues music? It just makes me sad.
- 我喜歡布魯斯的節奏和歌手的嗓音。但是我從來無法欣賞搖滾樂。簡直吵死了。
- I wonder if there is something we can both get into.
- 我有個主意。We can both "get into" the car, 到花圃去。
- "Get into" the car. Very funny, Li Hua!
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- I should have brought some garden gloves. My hands are getting all grubby from digging in the dirt.
- Grubby? 我猜grubby肯定是髒的意思。你的手還真是夠髒的。
- Grubby does mean dirty. Li Hua, my hands are so grubby, I've got dirt under my fingernails. Yuck!
- 真沒想到你還挺愛乾淨。別忘了,園藝一半的樂趣就在於渾身上下沾滿泥土。
- Well, maybe you think so, Li Hua. I'm just glad I wore some grubby, old clothes. Look how grubby the knees of my pants are!
- 別抱怨了!在園圃裡幹活難免是要弄髒的。
- Okay, then I'll stop complaining about being grubby. But, doesn't it bother you, Li Hua?
- 不會啊,我喜歡這樣。Why don't you like getting grubby, Larry?
- I don't think it is that unusual that I don't like getting grubby, Li Hua. But I haven't always been this way.
- 你以前不是這樣?那你是什麼樣子呢?
- Oh, when I was a kid, I used to play outside all the time. I would come home grubby from head to toe!
- 從頭到腳都是土? 那你媽媽肯定不高興。
- No, after I came home from a day of playing outside, she would take me by my grubby little hand and take me straight to the bath tub.
- 好了,Larry. 今天就干到這吧,你看見那個工具房了嗎?
- Grubby old tool shed? Oh, yes, I see it.
- 你能幫我把這些工具和這個桶放到那裡收好嗎?
- Sure, not a problem, Li Hua!
- 謝謝你,Larry. I hope you didn't mind getting grubby too much.
- ………………………………………………………………………………
- 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是 get into, 是喜歡的意思。另一個是 grubby, 是髒的意思。