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三月份 第 03 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
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  • (2012-03-05) ------

  • Obama, Netanyahu to Discuss Iranian Nuclear Program
  • 歐巴馬將與內塔尼亞胡討論伊朗核項目
  •   U.S. President Barack Obama is set to host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for talks on Iran's nuclear program.
  • 美國總統歐巴馬將與以色列總理內塔尼亞胡就伊朗的核項目舉行會談。

  •   A day after saying he prefers to resolve the issue diplomatically instead of by force.
  • 一天前,歐巴馬表示,他傾向於不使用武力而是用外交手段解決伊朗核項目問題。

  •   The meeting Monday at the White House comes at a time of heightened global concern about Iran's nuclear program and possible preemptive action by Israel.
  • 此次會談星期一將在白宮舉行,國際社會此時對伊朗核項目以及以色列可能採取先發制人行動感到更加擔憂。

  •   Mr. Obama told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington Sunday that now is the time to let "increased pressure sink in" and sustain the broad international coalition against Iran possessing nuclear weapons.
  • 歐巴馬星期天在華盛頓對美國以色列公共事務委員會表示,現在應該讓 “已經加大的壓力發揮作用”,並且維持反對伊朗擁有核武器的廣泛國際同盟。

  •   In his speech to members of the influential AIPAC, Mr. Obama said there is already "too much loose talk of war" with Iran.
  • 歐巴馬在向這個有巨大影響力的委員會成員發表講話時說,那種 “向伊朗開戰的言論” 已經過多,而且過於隨便。

  •   But he also reaffirmed his commitment to preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, including using military action.
  • 但是他重申了要阻止伊朗獲得核武器的承諾,包括保留採取軍事行動的選擇。

  •   Mr. Netanyahu said Sunday he appreciated Mr. Obama's remarks that "all options are on the table" and that Israel must be able to defend itself against any threat.
  • 內塔尼亞胡星期天說,歐巴馬提出了 “保留所有選擇” 的說法,以色列必須有能力防禦任何威脅,他對此表示讚賞。

  •   The Israeli leader will address AIPAC later Monday.
  • 內塔尼亞胡星期一晚些時候將向美國以色列公共事務委員會發表講話。


  • (2012-03-05) ------

  • Chinese Premier Stresses Absolute Party Leadership of Military
  • 溫家寶強調堅持黨對軍隊的絕對領導
  •   Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao says Beijing will continue to upgrade its military to perform a broader range of military tasks, with the Communist Party in firm control of efforts to make the armed forces more revolutionary and modern.
  • 中國總理溫家寶說,北京將繼續加強軍隊的現代化建設,提高其履行多樣化軍事任務的能力;他強調堅持共產黨對軍隊絕對領導的根本原則,全面加強中國武裝部隊的革命化和現代化建設。

  •   Mr. Wen spoke Monday in Beijing, in the opening address to the Communist Party's annual National People's Congress.
  • 溫家寶是在星期一(3 月 5 日)中國 (第十一屆) 全國人大會議開幕式上做出上述表示的。

  •   He said the military's chief tasks will also continue to include the fight against militancy and efforts to maintain internal stability, along with mandates to provide disaster relief and emergency response.
  • 他說,軍隊的主要任務仍然包括反恐維穩、處置突發事件、搶險救災等。

  •   On Sunday, authorities said China's defense budget -- the second largest in the world, after the United States -- will rise 11.2 percent in 2012 -- to about $106 billion.
  • 星期天,有關當局說,中國的國防預算 2012 年將增加 11.2 %,達到 1 千零 60 億美元,中國的國防預算規模為世界第二大,僅次於美國。

  •   Parliamentary spokesman Li Zhaoxing, noting China's large territorial responsibilities and its 1.3 billion population, said the country's defense spending is relatively low "compared with other major countries."
  • 中國人大發言人李肇星說,考慮到中國國土面積大,13 億多人口,中國的國防投入 “與其他主要國家相比” 相對來講是比較低的。

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