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2025.01.23 02:27
三月份 第 03 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-03-06) ------
- China's Government Promises Improvements As Congress Opens
- 中國政府在人大召開之際承諾改進
- China's government promised to fight corruption, improve the environment and grow the economy as its annual parliamentary session got underway Tuesday.
- 在中國全國人大會議星期二召開之際,中國政府承諾打擊腐敗現象、改善環境以及發展經濟。
- Thousands of delegates from across the country have gathered amid heavy security in Beijing for the 13-day session of the National People's Congress that will complete China's once-a-decade leadership change.
- 來自中國各地的數千名代表聚集在戒備森嚴的北京,參加為期 13 天的全國人大會議,其間將完成十年一度的領導層更替以及確立新政策。
- Outgoing Premier Wen Jiabao delivered his last government work report at the opening session.
- 在開幕式上,即將離任的溫家寶總理做了最後一次政府工作報告。
- He said China faces a difficult task in correcting China's unbalanced economic growth and income disparity.
- 他說,中國面臨著解決經濟發展不平衡以及收入水平懸殊等問題的艱巨任務。
- Mr. Wen said the economic growth target for China this year is 7.5 percent, similar to last year, and that the government will fight to curb inflation.
- 溫家寶說,中國今年的經濟增長目標是 7.5 %,與去年大致相同,政府將努力遏制通貨膨脹。
- Defense spending will increase by almost 11 percent.
- 中國的國防開支將增加將近 11 %。
- During the meeting of the largely ceremonial congress, Chinese Communist Party chief Xi Jinping will formally take over the presidency from Hu Jintao. Li Keqiang will succeed Mr. Wen as prime minister.
- 在基本屬於禮儀性質的人大會議期間,習近平將正式接替胡錦濤,擔任中國國家主席。李克強將接替溫家寶,擔任中國總理。
- (2013-03-06) ------
- UN Security Council to Discuss North Korea Sanctions
- 聯合國安理會將討論制裁朝鮮問題
- The United Nations Security Council is meeting Tuesday to discuss new sanctions in response to North Korea's latest nuclear test.
- 聯合國安理會星期二將舉行會議,討論針對朝鮮最近進行核試驗而對其實施新制裁的問題。
- The closed-door meetings come as diplomats report the United States and China have reached a tentative deal to punish Pyongyang for last month's test, its third and most powerful yet.
- 在舉行這次閉門會議之前,外交官們透露美國和中國已經就平壤上月進行核試驗而對其實施制裁達成初步協議。這是平壤進行的第三次核試驗,也是當量最大的一次。
- Diplomats told reporters late Monday they hope the council will be able to vote on a resolution by the end of the week.
- 外交官們星期一晚間對記者說,他們希望聯合國安理會能在本星期結束之前就有關決議案進行表決。
- Details of the draft resolution were not immediately available.
- 目前還不清楚這項決議草案的具體內容。
- The Security Council already unanimously condemned the February 12 nuclear test as a "grave violation" of existing U.N. sanctions on North Korea's nuclear and missile programs.
- 安理會此前一致譴責平壤 2 月 12 號進行核試驗嚴重違反了聯合國針對朝鮮核項目以及導彈項目的制裁規定。
- Pyongyang said its test was aimed at its "arch-enemy," the United States.
- 平壤說,進行核試驗是針對其主要敵人美國。