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2024.12.13 06:29
三月份 第 07 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-03-11) ------
- UN: Syria “Deteriorating Rapidly”
- 聯合國:敘利亞局勢急劇惡化
- United Nations human rights investigators say the situation in Syria is "deteriorating rapidly," and that both government troops and rebels opposed to President Bashar al-Assad have committed war crimes.
- 聯合國人權委員會調查人員說,敘利亞局勢 “急劇惡化”,政府軍和反對阿薩德總統的武裝都犯下了戰爭罪行。
- In their latest report to the U.N. Human Rights Council, the investigators said fighting in Syria has escalated since July, with the conflict becoming more sectarian, radicalized and militarized.
- 調查人員在交給聯合國人權委員會的最新報告中說,敘利亞的戰鬥七月份以來已經升級,衝突顯示出更強烈的宗教化、極端化和軍事化的色彩。
- They said abuses by rebels were not on the same scale as those by government troops, but that both sides were found to have used child fighters.
- 調查人員說,反政府力量犯下的暴行和政府軍的罪行不可同日而語,不過,雙方都使用了兒童兵。
- The report also calls on the international community to curb the supply of weapons gong into Syria with consideration for how the arms might affect the wider region.
- 報告呼籲國際社會限制流入敘利亞的武器,要考慮到這些武器對整個區域產生什麼樣的影響。
- It recommends a political solution to the two-year crisis, saying there is "no alternative."
- 報告還說,持續了兩年的敘利亞危機應該實現政治解決,除此之外別無他法。
- In Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday the situation in Syria is "not getting any better."
- 在莫斯科俄羅斯外長拉夫羅夫星期一說,敘利亞局勢 “毫無改善”。
- He met with Syrian opposition leaders who are not a part of the main opposition Syrian National Coalition, and stressed his country's position that any solution to the Syrian crisis must come from within Syria.
- 拉夫羅夫星期一會見了不屬於敘利亞全國聯盟的反對派領導人,向他們強調了俄羅斯的立場;他說,敘利亞危機的任何解決方案都必須由敘利亞人決定。
- (2013-03-11) ------
- Police: India Gang Rape Suspect Kills Himself
- 印度輪姦案一被告獄中自縊身亡
- Indian police say one of the men accused in the gang rape of a female student on a New Delhi bus has committed suicide in jail.
- 印度警方說,被控在新德里輪姦一名女學生的男被告之一在監獄中自殺。
- An official at Tihar jail says Ram Singh hanged himself with his own clothes Monday morning.
- 蒂哈爾監獄的一名官員說,拉姆‧辛格星期一上午用自己的衣服自縊身亡。
- Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde told reporters that the alleged suicide was a major lapse in security and that authorities were investigating its circumstances.
- 印度內政部長蘇希爾‧庫馬爾‧欣德對記者說,輪姦犯可能自殺事件反映了監獄存在嚴重的安全漏洞,當局正在就這一事件進行調查。
- Singh's parents and lawyer insist Singh was murdered in prison, and that an old hand injury made him incapable of hanging himself.
- 辛格的父母和律師堅持認為,辛格在監獄中被謀殺,他的一隻手上有舊傷,無法自縊。
- Singh's father said his son told him that he had been sodomized by other inmates who had repeatedly threatened his life.
- 辛格的父親說,辛格曾經告訴他,其他犯人對辛格進行雞奸,並屢次威脅他的生命。
- Singh was accused of driving the bus on which a 23-year-old student was raped and assault with an iron rod for more than two hours in December.
- 去年 12 月,一名 23 歲的女學生在一輛公車中被輪姦和用鐵棍施虐兩個多小時,當時駕駛那輛公車的就是辛格。
- Her internal injuries were so severe that she died two weeks later.
- 這名女學生受到非常嚴重的內傷,兩星期後死亡。
- Authorities accused Singh of being the leader of the gang of five men and a juvenile.
- 當局指控辛格是涉案的五名男子和一名未成年人的團夥頭目。
- The trial of the five adult men began in a special fast-track court last month, while the juvenile's trial began last week.
- 上個月,一個特別快速法庭開始審訊五名成年被告,對那名未成年被告的審訊從上星期開始。