現在線上人數 105人
2025.01.23 01:15
三月份 第 13 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-03-19) ------
- World Dignitaries Present at Vatican for Pope's Inaugural Mass
- 世界各國政要出席教宗方濟的即位彌撒
- The Vatican is prepared for a huge crowd Tuesday as Pope Francis hosts political leaders from 130 nations and representatives from a variety of religions for his installation Mass.
- 星期二,來自 130 國家的政治領導人和不同宗教的代表將參加教宗方濟的即位彌撒,梵蒂岡已為接待眾多來賓做好準備。
- Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to pack St. Peter's Square for the celebration, which formally installs Francis as the new leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics.
- 預計將有數十萬人聚集在聖彼得廣場參加慶祝儀式,屆時教宗方濟將正式成為全世界 12 億羅馬天主教徒的領袖。
- Among the high-level guests, the spiritual leader of the world's Orthodox Christians, Bartholomew, is expected to attend.
- 在高層來賓中,預計東正教領袖巴塞洛繆將出席儀式。
- He would be the first patriarch from the Istanbul-based church to witness a papal inauguration since the two branches of Christianity split nearly 1,000 years ago.
- 自從基督教於將近 1 千年前分為羅馬天主教和東正教兩支以來,這將是伊斯坦布爾東正教教廷領袖首次出席羅馬天主教教宗的即位典禮。
- More than 30 delegations of other Christian churches, as well as representatives from the Jewish, Muslim and various other faiths, also will attend.
- 來自其他基督教會的 30 多個代表團以及猶太教、伊斯蘭教和其他教派的代表們也將出席儀式。
- (2013-03-19) ------
- Attacks Kills 23 in Iraq
- 伊拉克發生襲擊事件 23 人喪生
- Iraqi officials say bombings and other attacks have killed at least 23 people in mainly Shi'ite areas of the capital, Baghdad.
- 伊拉克官員說,首都巴格達的什葉派回教徒聚居區發生爆炸和其他襲擊事件,造成至少 23 人死亡。
- The violence Tuesday also wounded 80 others, a day before the 10th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion.
- 星期二的暴力事件還造成 80 人受傷;再過一天,就是美國領導出兵伊拉克的 10 周年。
- There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks.
- 目前還沒有人宣稱對襲擊事件負責。
- Sunni Muslim militants in Iraq frequently attack the country's majority Shi'ites to inflame sectarian tensions and undermine the Shi'ite-led government.
- 伊拉克的遜尼派回教徒激進份子經常襲擊占人口多數的什葉派回教徒,導致教派之間的緊張局面,並削弱什葉派主導的政府。