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2025.01.23 01:24
三月份 第 14 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-03-20) ------
- Obama Heads to Israel Wednesday
- 歐巴馬星期三將訪問以色列
- U.S. President Barack Obama arrives in Tel Aviv on Wednesday for what the White House is calling a very important visit to Israel, the West Bank and Jordan.
- 美國總統歐巴馬將於星期三抵達特拉維夫,進行白宮所稱的,歐巴馬這次到以色列、約旦河西岸和約旦非常重要的訪問。
- The trip is Mr. Obama's first official visit to Israel since taking office in 2009.
- 歐巴馬自 2009 年就任美國總統以來,這是首次正式訪問以色列。
- His schedule Wednesday includes seeing a piece of Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, as well as meetings with Israeli President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
- 歐巴馬星期三的日程包括參觀以色列的 “鐵穹” 導彈防禦系統以及會晤以色列總統佩雷斯和總理內塔尼亞胡。
- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is joining Mr. Obama for the tour, which comes as a new Israeli government featuring pro-settlement ministers takes office.
- 美國國務卿克里將陪同歐巴馬總統進行這次訪問;與此同時,以色列新政府中支持猶太人定居點項目的部長們就職。
- Mr. Obama is set to travel to the West Bank on Thursday to meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.
- 星期四,歐巴馬將前往約旦河西岸,會晤巴勒斯坦民族權力機構主席阿巴斯以及總理法耶茲。
- On Friday, his schedule includes talks with King Abdullah in Jordan, where the United States has been helping officials cope with the flood of Syrian refugees.
- 歐巴馬星期五將在約旦與阿蔔杜拉國王舉行會談;美國一直在幫助約旦應對大批敘利亞難民湧入約旦的問題。
- (2013-03-20) ------
- S.Korea Investigates Possible Cyberattack Following Widespread Network Outage
- 韓國調查電腦網路大癱瘓是否由於遭到網路攻擊
- South Korean authorities are investigating what appears to be a widespread cyberattack after several of the country's broadcasters and financial institutions reported a major failure of their computer networks.
- 韓國當局正在調查一起看來是大規模網路攻擊的事件,此前韓國幾家電視台和金融機構報告說,他們的電腦網路出現嚴重停機問題。
- At least three broadcasters - KBS, MBC and YTN - said their computer networks were paralyzed on Wednesday.
- KBS、MBC 和 YTN 等至少三家韓國電視台報告說,其電腦網路星期三癱瘓。
- Images of employees staring at blank computer screens circulated in South Korean media.
- 韓國媒體播放的畫面顯示,雇員們注視著沒有圖像的電腦屏幕。
- Two banks - the Shinhan Bank and the Nonghyup Bank - were also reported to be part of the attack, as were some of the country's ATMs.
- 新韓銀行、農協銀行這兩家銀行以及韓國一些自動取款機也報告其電腦網路遭到攻擊。
- Local media suggest the country's stock markets have not been affected.
- 當地媒體說,韓國股市沒有受到影響。
- South Korean police say they are investigating the cause of the outages to determine whether they were a result of a concerted cyberattack by North Korea, which has a history of carrying out cyber warfare on the South.
- 韓國警方說,他們正在對電腦網路癱瘓的原因進行調查,以確定是否遭到朝鮮的協調網路攻擊;朝鮮以往曾對韓國進行網路戰。
- The news comes just days after North Korea accused the United States and South Korea of launching a computer attack on several of its websites, which mysteriously suffered a prolonged outage last week.
- 幾天前,朝鮮指責美國和韓國對幾個朝鮮互聯網網站進行電腦攻擊,這幾個網站上星期曾原因不明地出現長時間停機。