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三月份 第 14 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [13][12][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2011-03-18) ------

  • Japan's PM Says Nuclear Situation "Very Grave"
  • 日本首相:核局勢 “很嚴峻”
  •   Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan says the nuclear crisis at the crippled Fukushima plant is "very grave," as technicians continued desperate efforts to prevent a wider catastrophe.
  • 日本首相菅直人說,遭受地震破壞的福島核電站的核危機 “非常嚴峻”;與此同時,技術人員繼續拼命地努力阻止災難的規模擴大。

  •   Mr. Kan said on Friday the police, fire department and military were "putting their lives on the line" as they try to douse damaged reactor buildings at the Fukushima plant with water, to prevent fuel rods inside from overheating and throwing more radiation into the environment.
  • 菅直人星期五說,日本警方、消防部門和軍方正 “冒著生命危險” 為這個核電站的高放射性燃料棒進行冷卻,以阻止燃料棒過熱並釋放出更多的輻射。

  •   Firefighters are using powerful hoses to try to spray the buildings, after the country's self-defense forces abandoned a mission to drop water by helicopter because of the radiation risk posed to the pilots.
  • 消防人員正試圖用高壓水柱向建築物噴射;此前,日本自衛隊取消了用直升飛機洒水的任務,原因是飛機駕駛員有受到輻射感染的危險。

  •   The Japanese government Friday raised the severity rating of its nuclear disaster from 4 to 5 on a 7-point international nuclear event scale.
  • 日本政府星期五將福島核電站的危機嚴重程度從 4 級提升到 5 級;國際核安全事故規模共分 7 個等級。

  •   Level 5 signals an accident with wider consequences, including some release of radioactive material, with a high probability of significant public exposure.
  • 5 級意味著這一事故將造成規模更大的後果,包括釋放出一些很有可能大量朝向公眾的輻射。

  •   Workers are trying to install new power lines to the building to restore cooling systems which were knocked out during last week's earthquake and tsunami disasters.
  • 工作人員正試圖在核電站安裝新的電纜,以恢復冷卻系統的正常運作;上個星期的地震和海嘯破壞了冷卻系統。

  •   But officials say it may take until Sunday for the electricity to start flowing to the damaged reactors.
  • 但是官員們說,受損的反應爐可能要到星期日才能開始有電力供應。


  • (2011-03-18) ------

  • G7 Sinks Yen; Helps Japan
  • 七國集團聯手抑制日圓升值 援救日本
  •   Officials from seven of the world's largest economies are helping bolster Japan's troubled economy by taking joint action to cut the value of the yen.
  • 世界七大經濟體的官員們正採取聯合行動,通過降低日圓匯率來幫助陷入困境的日本經濟。

  •   Exports are vital to Japan's economy, and the recent sharp increase in the value of the yen means that Japanese-made products would be more expensive on world markets, which would hurt sales.
  • 出口對日本經濟至關重要;日圓升值意味著日本生產的產品在國際市場上更加昂貴,從而傷害到日本產品的銷售。

  •   So finance ministers from the G-7 nations held an emergency conference by phone early Friday to agree to sell large quantities of the Japanese currency.
  • 為此,七國集團各成員國的財政部長星期五清晨舉行了緊急電話會議,同意大量出售日圓。

  •   Selling yen for dollars, pounds, euros or whatever, means there are more yen on the market, and a greater supply of yen means the price of the yen falls.
  • 出售日圓以換取美元、英鎊、歐元或其他任何貨幣,這意味著,市場上會有更多的日圓,而日圓供應增加意味著日圓匯率的下降。

  •   The yen immediately dropped sharply in value after news of the joint market intervention.
  • 這次聯合干預市場的消息發佈後,日圓立即大幅下跌。

  •   The news encouraged investors, and Japan's benchmark Nikkei stock index rose a sharp 2.7 percent.
  • 這一消息鼓勵了投資者,並使日本經濟的晴雨錶日經指數大漲 2.7 %。

  •   The rebound helped Japanese companies recover some of the value they have lost as stocks went into free fall after the recent series of disasters.
  • 這一反彈幫助日本企業挽回了一些它們在股市上失去的市值;日本最近一系列的災難導致股票價格自由落體式地下跌。


EPT 美語
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