現在線上人數 104人
2025.01.23 02:15
三月份 第 19 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-03-28) ------
- Cyprus Reopens Banks Under Tight Controls
- 塞浦路斯各家銀行在嚴密控制下恢復營業
- Banks across Cyprus reopened as scheduled Thursday, nearly two weeks after being shutdown amid the island's near-economic collapse.
- 塞浦路斯各地銀行星期四按計劃恢復營業;塞浦路斯各銀行由於國家經濟接近崩潰而關閉近兩個星期。
- Depositors formed long lines on the sidewalks and streets outside their banks long before the doors were unlocked at noon local time, anxiously awaiting access to their accounts.
- 塞浦路斯各家銀行於當地時間中午 12 點開門,但是儲戶們早早地就在銀行門外和大街上排起長龍,焦急地等待著銀行開門取錢。
- The banks will stay open for just six hours and people will only be allowed to withdraw $383 a day from their accounts.
- 銀行只營業 6 個小時,儲戶每天從自己的帳戶取款額不得超過 383 美元。
- Travelers leaving the Mediterranean island can take no more than $3,831 to other countries.
- 從這個地中海島國前往其它國家的人所攜帶的金額不得超過 3831 美元。
- The strict restrictions were imposed to prevent a massive run on accounts that could trigger a catastrophic bank failure.
- 採取這些嚴格的限制措施是為了避免擠兌,擠兌可能導致金融系統出現災難性癱瘓。
- Security around was tight Wednesday evening as armored trucks delivered thousands of euros to the bank, as employees prepared to resume operations.
- 星期三晚間,銀行周圍採取了嚴密的保安措施,裝甲卡車向各銀行送去大量歐元現金,銀行雇員在做恢復營業的準備工作。
- Cyprus banks have been closed since March 16 while the government negotiated a $13 billion bailout from European neighbors, the European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund.
- 塞浦路斯所有銀行自 3 月 16 日以來一直關閉,與此同時,塞浦路斯政府為從歐洲鄰國、歐洲中央銀行以及國際貨幣基金組織得到 130 億美元救助貸款而進行談判。
- As part of the deal, Cyprus agreed to confiscate 40 percent or more from the biggest, uninsured accounts above $130,000 to help pay for the rescue.
- 做為救助貸款協議的一部份,塞浦路斯同意對存款超過 13 萬美元的未投保帳戶徵用 40 % 或更多的金額,以幫助滿足獲得緊急援助資金的條件。
- (2013-03-28) ------
- Border Crossing Still Operating after NKorea Cuts Hotline with South
- 朝鮮半島南北過境點在平壤切斷熱線後仍運作
- A tense border crossing between North and South Korea was operating as usual Thursday, despite Pyongyang cutting a crucial communications link that helped coordinate passage at the border.
- 盡管平壤切斷了便於協調朝鮮和韓國之間過境事宜的一個重要通訊渠道,過境點的局勢緊張,但星期四過境事宜仍在照常進行。
- The North on Wednesday cut its last military hotline with Seoul, saying it was no longer necessary since "war may break out at any moment."
- 朝鮮星期三切斷了與首爾之間最後的一條軍方熱線,並聲稱既然 “戰爭可能隨時爆發”,聯絡已無必要。
- The phone was also used to arrange passage for South Korean workers at a joint industrial complex in the North.
- 這條電話熱線還用於安排韓國工人過境到位於朝鮮境內的一個聯合工業園區。
- Pyongyang has in the past cut the military hotline, stranding South Korean workers at the complex.
- 平壤過去曾經切斷這條軍方熱線,使韓國工人滯留開城工業園區。
- But workers reported business as usual at the Kaesong industrial complex Thursday.
- 但工人們說,開城工業園區星期四照常運營。
- Tensions on the Korean peninsula are at their highest in years, with both the North and the U.S.-backed South demonstrating their military preparedness.
- 目前,朝鮮半島的緊張氣氛達到幾年來的最高點,朝鮮和得到美國支持的韓國都展示在軍事上做好了準備。
- In the latest show of force, the U.S. Armed Forces Korea said two B-2 stealth bombers conducted a live-fire training mission over the South Thursday.
- 在最近一次軍力展示中,駐韓美軍說,兩架 B-52 隱形轟炸機星期四在韓國上空執行實彈訓練任務。
- A statement said the nuclear-capable bombers flew over 10,000 kilometers from a midwestern U.S. base to the Korean peninsula, conducted the firing drill, and returned to the continental U.S. in a "single, continuous mission."
- 駐韓美軍發表聲明說,能夠攜帶核彈頭的 B-52 轟炸機從一個美國中西部基地飛到朝鮮半島參加實彈演習,行程超過 1 萬公里,隨後返回美國本土,完成了這次持續性單項任務。