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2025.01.23 01:16
三月份 第 09 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-03-13) ------
- Papal Conclave Enters Second Day
- 樞機主教仍未選出新羅馬天主教宗
- Black smoke has emerged from a small chimney atop the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, signifying the morning of voting by Roman Catholic cardinals has not yet produced a new pope.
- 梵蒂岡西斯汀教堂屋頂上的小煙囪升起黑煙,表示天主教樞機主教星期三上午的投票未能選出新的羅馬天主教教宗。
- The 115 cardinals are voting on a successor to 85-year-old Pope Benedict, who resigned last month saying he does not have the strength to carry out his papal duties.
- 由 115 位樞機主教選出的新教宗將接替上個月辭職的本篤 16 世教宗;本篤 16 世教宗表示,由於身體原因,他無法勝任教宗的職責。
- The College of Cardinals began its second day of deliberation Wednesday after a session of prayer.
- 天主教樞機主教第二天投票選舉新教宗前進行了祈禱。
- Thousands of onlookers are gathered in St. Peter's Square to await a signal of black or white smoke to indicate whether a pope has been chosen.
- 成千上萬的人聚集在聖彼得廣場,等候看煙囪是冒黑煙或是白煙來顯示樞機主教的投票結果。
- When the cardinals agree on a successor to Benedict, white smoke will rise from the chimney and the bells of St. Peter's Basilica will ring.
- 樞機主教選出本篤 16 世的繼任者後,煙囪將冒出白煙,聖彼得大教堂的鐘聲將敲響。
- (2013-03-13) ------
- Aid Group: Syrian Children 'Forgotten Victims' of Crisis
- 救援組織:敘利亞兒童成為 “被遺忘的受害者”
- A new report says nearly two million Syrian children need humanitarian assistance, after two years of conflict that has affected their ability to eat, go to school and have access to sanitation.
- 一份新報告說,將近 200 萬敘利亞兒童需要人道救援,持續兩年的衝突對他們吃飯、上學和保持衛生都造成影響。
- Aid group Save the Children released the report Wednesday highlighting the effect of the Syrian crisis on what it calls the "forgotten victims" of the fighting.
- 救援組織 “拯救兒童” 星期三發表報告,強調指出敘利亞危機對兒童的影響,報告將這些兒童稱為 “被遺忘的受害者”。
- It says schools and hospitals have been damaged by clashes between rebels and Syrian government fighters, and that "nearly every family" the group spoke with said they could not safely access clean toilets.
- 拯救兒童組織說,學校和醫院在敘利亞反政府武裝和政府軍的衝突中遭到破壞,該組織接觸到的 “幾乎每個家庭” 都表示不能安全地使用清潔的廁所。
- The report calls on all parties in the conflict to allow humanitarian aid to get to those who need it, while ending the use of explosives in populated areas.
- 拯救兒童組織的報告敦促敘利亞衝突各方允許為需要的人們提供人道救援,並停止在居民區使用爆炸裝置。
- It further urges fighters to end the recruitment of child soldiers - a practice United Nations investigators said earlier this week was being used by both the army and rebels.
- 該組織還敦促交戰各方停止徵募少年兵;聯合國調查人員本星期早些時候說,敘利亞政府軍和反政府武裝都在徵募少年兵。