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2025.01.23 02:38
三月份 第 04 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-03-06) ------
- Venezuela's Hugo Chavez Dies
- 委內瑞拉總統查韋斯病逝
- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has died after a long struggle with cancer. He was 58 years old.
- 查韋斯總統在和癌症長期鬥爭之後去世,享年 58 歲。
- Vice President Nicolas Maduro announced the death on national television Tuesday.
- 委內瑞拉副總統馬杜洛星期二在委內瑞拉全國電視台上宣佈了這一消息。
- He urged the Venezuelan people to show strength and courage, and to be united and fulfill the expectations of the man he called "this great leader."
- 他呼籲委內瑞拉民眾展現出力量和勇氣,團結起來,完成查韋斯 “這位偉大領導人” 的期望。
- Foreign Minister Elias Jaua has declared seven days of national mourning.
- 委內瑞拉外交部長豪阿宣佈全國舉行七天哀悼。
- He says says Mr. Chavez will lie in state at a military academy before a funeral Friday.
- 他說,在星期五舉行葬禮之前,查韋斯的遺體將停放在一所軍事學院供公眾瞻仰。
- President Chavez had been treated in Cuba for cancer before returning to Caracas last month.
- 查韋斯上月返回委內瑞拉首都加拉加斯,此前他長時間在古巴接受治療。
- Officials say he came down with a severe infection after strong chemotherapy in a Caracas military hospital.
- 有關官員說,查韋斯在加拉加斯一家軍醫院接受強化化療之後,出現嚴重感染。
- Mr. Chavez had cancer in his pelvis. He had not been seen in public since December and missed his inauguration for another term in January.
- 查韋斯患有骨盆癌;自去年 12 月以來,查韋斯一直沒有公開露面,也沒有出席他另一任在 1 月舉行的總統就職典禮。
- Vice President Maduro accused Venezuela's enemies of attacking the president with cancer.
- 星期二,委內瑞拉副總統馬杜洛指責委內瑞拉的敵人用癌症方式攻擊查韋斯。
- He did not say how that could have been done.
- 他沒有具體說明如何做到這一點。
- Mr. Chavez, the son of school teachers, dreamed of becoming a major league baseball player in the U.S. but he opted for a career as an army paratrooper.
- 查韋斯父母都是學校教師;他曾經夢想當一名職業棒球隊員,但後來選擇做了傘兵。
- He was jailed in 1992 for leading an unsuccessful coup against then-president Carlos Andres Perez and was elected to the office himself in 1998, promising to wipe out poverty and end corruption.
- 1992 年,查韋斯由於領導發動推翻當時的委內瑞拉總統佩雷茲的政變失敗而坐牢;查韋斯 1998 年當選總統;競選期間,查韋斯誓言要掃除貧困,結束腐敗。
- Mr. Chavez earned the enmity of the United States and much of the rest of Latin America for his socialist policies.
- 查韋斯的一系列社會主義政策,包括將很多大公司國有化,引起美國和拉美許多國家的不滿。
- Nationalizing major companies, and courting such world leaders as Cuba's Fidel Castro, Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Libya's Moammar Gadhafi.
- 在擔任總統期間,查韋斯同國際間的一些領導人,諸如古巴的卡斯特羅、伊朗總統艾哈邁迪內賈德和利比亞的卡紮菲等,建立友好關係。
- The opposition accused him of becoming a dictator.
- 反對派稱查韋斯是一位獨裁者。
- Millions of poor Venezuelans revered him for using the country's vast oil wealth to give them access to low-cost food, free medical care and other social programs.
- 但是數百萬貧窮的民眾尊敬他,因為查韋斯使用國家巨大的石油財富讓他們得到廉價的食品,可以免費看病,以及使用其他一些社會計劃。
- Also Tuesday, Venezuela expelled two U.S. diplomats, accusing them of meeting with military officers and plotting to destabilize the government.
- 另一方面,委內瑞拉星期二驅逐了兩名美國外交官,指控他們會見委內瑞拉現役軍官以密謀顛覆政府。
- The two diplomats are air attaches -- U.S. Air Force officers who are stationed in the embassy.
- 這兩名美國外交官是美國駐委內瑞拉大使館的空軍武官。
- (2013-03-06) ------
- S.Korea Vows 'Strong and Decisive' Retaliation if N.Korea Breaks Truce
- 如果平壤廢除停戰協議 韓國誓言做出 “有力而果斷” 的反應
- South Korea's defense ministry is vowing a "strong and decisive" response if North Korea follows through on its threat to break a 60-year-old armistice.
- 韓國國防部誓言,如果朝鮮將其有關廢除已經存在 60 年之久的停戰協定的威脅付諸實施,韓國方面就要做出 “有力而果斷” 的反應。
- General Kim Yong-hyun on Wednesday said Seoul is prepared to attack both the "source of the aggression" and its "commanding element" if North Korea uses military force.
- 金容鉉將軍星期三說,首爾已經做好準備,如果朝鮮動用軍事力量,韓國就將打擊 “侵略的源頭” 及其 “指揮部”。
- On Tuesday, a senior North Korean military official said Pyongyang would next week disregard the 1953 ceasefire that ended the Korean war, citing a U.S.-led drive for sanctions and ongoing military exercises between Seoul and Washington.
- 星期二,一名朝鮮高層軍事官員說,鑒於以美國為首的制裁朝鮮行動以及首爾和華盛頓目前進行的軍事演習,平壤將於下星期廢除結束韓戰的 1953 年停戰協定。
- It is not unusual for North Korea to issue such threats during times of heightened tension on the Korean peninsula.
- 在朝鮮半島局勢緊張時,朝鮮常常會發出這類威脅。
- But analysts say the latest threats may be more serious, because they were made by a high-ranking official, and came with a deadline.
- 但分析人士說,由於最近的這次威脅出自一名高官之口,而且指明最後期限,因此可能更加嚴重。