現在線上人數 106人
2025.01.23 01:43
三月份 第 20 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-03-29) ------
- S.Africa President: Mandela Doing “Very Well”
- 南非總統:曼德拉目前狀況 “非常好”
- South African leaders say anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela continues to recover after being hospitalized for a recurring lung infection.
- 南非領導人說,反種族隔離運動領袖納爾遜‧曼德拉因肺部感染復發而住院治療後,身體正在繼續康復。
- President Jacob Zuma said Thursday the 94-year-old Mr. Mandela is doing "very well," telling the BBC that South Africans "must not panic."
- 南非總統祖馬星期四說,現年 94 歲的曼德拉目前的狀況 “非常好”;祖馬對英國廣播公司說,南非人 “絕不能驚慌失措”。
- An earlier statement by the presidency said the former South African president is "responding positively" to treatment.
- 祖馬總統早些時候發表聲明說,前南非總統曼德拉在治療效果良好。
- It said he remains under treatment and observation.
- 聲明還說,曼德拉目前仍在接受治療和觀察。
- Mr. Mandela was taken to an unidentified hospital late Wednesday.
- 星期三晚間,曼德拉被送入一家未經具體說明的醫院。
- The Nobel laureate was hospitalized for three weeks in December with another lung infection and gallstones.
- 去年 12 月,這位諾貝爾和平獎得主曾又因肺部感染和膽結石而住院三個星期。
- U.S. President Barack Obama said Thursday he is "deeply concerned" about the health of Mr. Mandela, who he called an inspiration and a hero.
- 美國總統歐巴馬星期四表示,他對曼德拉的健康狀況深感關切;歐巴馬說,曼德拉鼓舞人心,是一位英雄。
- (2013-03-29) ------
- North Korea Readies Rocket Units for Attacks on U.S.
- 朝鮮火箭部隊奉命做好襲擊美國的準備
- North Korean state media say leader Kim Jong Un has ordered preparations for rocket strikes on the U.S. mainland and military bases, after two U.S. stealth bombers flew training runs over South Korea.
- 朝鮮國家媒體說,朝鮮領導人金正恩已經命令做好對美國本土和美國軍事基地發動火箭襲擊的準備,此前兩架美國隱形轟炸機在韓國上空做訓練飛行。
- The official Korean Central News Agency said Mr. Kim put his rocket units on standby Friday, after an overnight emergency meeting with top army commanders.
- 朝鮮官方的朝中社說,金正恩與高層軍隊指揮官們連夜舉行緊急會議後,星期五命令朝鮮火箭部隊進入待命狀態。
- The order came hours after nuclear-capable U.S. B-2 bombers were deployed in ongoing joint military drills with South Korea.
- 在此幾小時前,能夠攜帶核彈頭的美國 B-2 轟炸機進入部署,參加正在進行的美韓聯合軍事演習。
- The strategic bombers flew 20,000 kilometers non-stop Thursday from an air force base in the central U.S. to an island off the southwestern coast of the Korean peninsula, before returning to their home base.
- 星期四,B-2 戰略轟炸機從美國中部一個空軍基地不停頓地飛行 2 萬公里,飛抵朝鮮半島西南沿海的一個島嶼上空,然後返回基地。
- The mission was held amid increasing threats by North Korea against South Korea and the United States.
- 在 B-2 轟炸機執行這一任務之際,朝鮮針對韓國和美國的威脅不斷升級。
- Pyongyang has severed all communication links with South Korea, the United Nations and the Red Cross.
- 平壤切斷了與韓國、聯合國以及紅十字會的所有聯絡渠道。