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三月份 第 10 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2013-03-14) ------

  • N.Korea Holds Live Artillery Drills, as Tensions Mount
  • 朝鮮舉行炮兵實彈射擊訓練
  •   North Korean state media says leader Kim Jong Un has overseen a live artillery drill near a sensitive sea border area, as Pyongyang continues to stir up tension on the Korean peninsula.
  • 朝鮮官方媒體表示,朝鮮最高領導人金正恩現場觀看並指導炮兵部隊在與韓國敏感的臨近海域舉行的實彈射擊訓練;與此同時,平壤不斷加劇朝鮮半島的緊張局勢。

  •   The Korean Central News Agency says Mr. Kim watched as the artillery units pounded what it called the "imaginary targets of the enemy" on two islands in the Yellow Sea.
  • 朝中社報導說,金正恩觀看了炮兵部隊在黃海的兩個島嶼上對 “假想敵方陣地” 進行的實彈射擊。

  •   The Thursday report did not specify when the drill took place.
  • 星期四的報導並沒有說明這次炮擊訓練的具體時間。

  •   North Korea has threatened a nuclear war against the United States and made a series of threats against the South after the United Nations last week imposed sanctions for its latest nuclear test.
  • 朝鮮警告說要對美國發動核攻擊;上星期聯合國因朝鮮最近的核試驗而對其實施制裁後,朝鮮也多次對韓國發出威脅。

  •   It is not believed to have the capacity to attack the U.S. with a nuclear weapon.
  • 目前人們並不認為朝鮮擁有能打到美國的核武器。

  •   But there is fear it may attack areas near the disputed border, which has been the site of several deadly clashes in recent years.
  • 但是人們擔心,朝鮮會攻擊有爭議的邊界地區;這些地區近年來發生過數次衝突,並造成人員傷亡。


  • (2013-03-14) ------

  • China Congratulates, Criticizes Vatican on New Pope
  • 中國對天主教新教宗表示祝賀並提出批評
  •   China sent a message of both congratulations and criticism to the Vatican on Thursday following the election of a new Roman Catholic pope.
  • 羅馬天主教推選出新教宗之後,中國星期四向梵蒂岡表達祝賀,同時也提出批評。

  •   The Chinese government does not have diplomatic relations with Vatican.
  • 中國政府與梵蒂岡沒有外交關係;估計中國大約有 8 百萬到 1 千 2 百萬天主教徒。

  •   The two sides have regularly clashed over authority of China's estimated eight to 12 million Catholics.
  • 梵蒂岡和中國常常因為中國政府對於這些天主教徒的權力問題而產生摩擦。

  •   Foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said any improvement in relations depends on whether the Vatican cuts ties with Taiwan and stops what she called "interference" in China's affairs.
  • 中國外交部發言人華春瑩表示,中國與梵蒂岡關係的改善完全取決於梵蒂岡是否和臺灣斷絕關係,以及梵蒂岡必須停止她所說的對中國事務的干涉。

  •   She also congratulated Pope Francis on his election, saying Beijing hopes he is able to take a "practical and flexible" attitude toward China.
  • 華春瑩還對新當選的教宗弗朗西斯表示祝賀;她說,北京期望新教宗能夠對中國採取 “現實和靈活” 的態度。

  •   Beijing does not allow the Vatican to appoint its own bishops, an issue that has angered the church.
  • 北京不允許梵蒂岡任命在中國的主教,天主教會對此不滿。

  •   Chinese leaders regard Vatican policy as interference in the country's internal affairs.
  • 中國領導人認為梵蒂岡的政策干涉中國的內政。

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