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2025.01.23 01:35
三月份 第 15 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-03-21) ------
- South Korea: Chinese Address Source of Cyber Attack
- 韓國:電腦網路攻擊來自中國境內的網址
- South Korean officials say a cyber attack that shut down computers at several of the country's top banks and TV broadcasters originated in China.
- 韓國官員說,造成韓國幾家主要銀行和電視台電腦系統癱瘓的網路攻擊來自中國。
- The Korea Communications Commission on Thursday said an initial investigation revealed that a Chinese IP address created the malicious code in a server of one of the affected banks.
- 韓國通訊委員會星期四說,初步調查結果顯示,一個中國的 IP 網址生成的病毒代碼侵襲了韓國一家銀行的服伺服器。
- But the commission stressed that this does not confirm who was behind the attack, saying it could have been launched in another country and made to appear to come from China.
- 但韓國通訊委員會強調說,目前還不能確定這次網路攻擊的策劃者,並表示這次網路攻擊可能是從另一個國家發動,同時使其看上去是源自中國。
- South Korean Defense Ministry spokesperson suggested the culprit is North Korea, which in the past is believed to re-route cyberattacks on Seoul through Chinese addresses.
- 韓國國防部發言人暗示,發動這次網路攻擊的是朝鮮,據信朝鮮曾通過中國境內的網址對首爾進行網路攻擊。
- South Korea's Yonhap news agency also quoted an unidentified high-ranking official in the presidential office as saying that Seoul bears a "strong suspicion" that North Korea conducted the attack.
- 韓聯社還援引韓國總統辦公室一名沒有透露姓名的高層官員的話說,首爾強烈懷疑朝鮮發動了這次網路攻擊。
- The attack Wednesday paralyzed computers at television broadcasters YTN, MBC, and KBS, as well as two commercial banks, Shinhan Bank and Nonghyup Bank.
- 發生在星期三的這次網路攻擊造成韓國 YTN、MBC 和 KBS 等三家電視台以及新韓和農協等兩家銀行的電腦網路癱瘓。
- (2013-03-21) ------
- Cyprus Looks for a New Debt Plan
- 塞浦路斯尋求應對債務危機新方案
- Officials in Cyprus met throughout the day Wednesday to try to craft a new funding plan to avoid a debt default for the Mediterranean island nation.
- 塞浦路斯官員星期三全天進行磋商,爭取制定一項籌措資金方案,以避免這個地中海島國出現債務違約。
- Cypriot leaders were faced with no obvious way to raise $7.5 billion the country's international lenders are demanding before they will approve $13 billion in rescue funds.
- 國際借貸方要求塞浦路斯首先籌集 75 億美元,然後才能批准為塞浦路斯提供 130 億美元救助金,但塞浦路斯領導人並沒有明確的手段來滿足這一要求。
- On Tuesday, the country's parliament overwhelmingly rejected a tax on bank deposits that angered savers.
- 塞浦路斯議會星期二以壓倒多數否決對銀行存款課稅,徵收存款稅使儲戶感到憤怒。
- The Nicosia government said the country's banks, closed all week, would remain shut until next Tuesday, to prevent a run on accounts.
- 塞浦路斯政府說,國內各銀行在下星期二之前仍將停止營業,以避免出現擠兌;塞浦路斯各家銀行已經停止營業一週。
- Europe is pressuring Cyprus to offer new solutions to the island nation's debt crisis after parliament rejected the deposit tax plan.
- 歐洲向塞浦路斯施加壓力,要求該國在議會否決徵收存款稅之後拿出應對這個島國債務危機的新方案。