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2024.10.03 21:31
四月份 第 06 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]
- (2009-04-08) ------
- Seven People Face Child Rape Charges in Guizhou, China
- 中國貴州 7 人面臨強姦女學生指控
- Four government officials are among seven people who are on trial in southwest China for allegedly raping schoolgirls.
- 包括中國 4 名政府官員在內的 7 人因被控涉嫌強姦女學生而在西南地區受審。
- Chinese state media report the trial started Wednesday for the four officials, a legislator, a teacher and a taxi driver.
- 中國官方媒體報導說,星期三開始審判這 4 名官員、一名人大代表、一名教師和一名計程車司機。
- Court officials say the proceedings are closed to the public because the case involves underaged individuals.
- 法院官員說,由於案件涉及未成年人,審判不對外公開。
- Prosecutors have accused the suspects of raping primary and secondary school students in Xishui county in China's Guizhou province.
- 檢方控告嫌疑人在貴州省習水縣強姦小學生和初中生。
- They say the suspects were aided by a 37-year-old jobless woman, who is a former prostitute, and her two teenage friends, who are drug addicts.
- 檢方表示,嫌疑人得到 37 歲無業婦女袁麗及其兩名年輕的吸毒朋友的幫助;袁麗曾經從事賣淫。
- The three allegedly charged about $15 per incident.
- 這 3 人對每起強姦收費約合 15 美元。
- According to prosecutors, the former prostitute, Yuan Li, offered her apartment as a hospitality venue and helped find clients.
- 檢方說,袁麗提供自己的住所用於嫖宿,並幫助尋找嫖客。
- The two teenagers reportedly abducted girls from one primary school and three junior high schools in the county.
- 據報導,那兩名年輕人從習水縣一所小學和 3 所初中綁架女孩。
- (2009-04-08) ------
- China Driving Record Car Sales
- 中國三月汽車銷售有增無減
- The global recession is not slowing down Chinese car buyers.
- 全球經濟衰退沒有減緩中國的汽車購買者。
- U.S. auto giant General Motors and German luxury brand Mercedes-Benz say they saw record sales in March despite the slowdown in demand in most other countries.
- 美國汽車製造業龍頭通用汽車公司和德國豪華車廠商賓士說,儘管他們 3 月份的銷售在大多數國家下滑,但是在中國的銷售量再創紀錄。
- GM says vehicle sales in China jumped almost 25 percent in March, compared to the same time last year, driven by demand for its minivans and "Spark" mini car.
- 通用公司說,該公司在中國的 3 月份銷售額與去年同期相比增長了將近 25 %,主要原因包括該公司生產的箱型車和樂馳牌微型汽車。
- Mercedes-Benz parent company Daimler says sales of the luxury brand soared 50 percent compared to March of last year.
- 賓士汽車公司的母公司戴姆勒公司說,賓士豪華汽車 3 月份在中國的銷售額比去年同期增加了 50 %。
- Meanwhile, Chinese state media report total vehicle sales in China may reach a monthly record in March, surpassing the 1.06 million vehicles sold in March 2008.
- 與此同時,中國媒體報導,中國 3 月份的汽車總銷售額可能創造記錄,超過去年 3 月份的 106 萬輛。
- The Chinese government has been taking steps to help boost car sales, even cutting the sales tax on small cars in half until the end of 2009.
- 中國政府一直在採取措施刺激汽車銷售,在 2009 年底之前把對小型轎車的銷售稅降低一半。