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2025.02.08 01:34
四月份 第 06 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-08) ------
- South Korea Confirms North Korea Making Missile, Nuclear Test Preparations
- 韓國證實朝鮮正為核試驗及導彈試射做準備
- South Korean officials say North Korea appears to be preparing for more nuclear and missile tests, following a nuclear test in February that triggered tightened U.N. sanctions.
- 韓國官員說,朝鮮今年 2 月進行核試驗後,看來正在準備進行更多核試驗和導彈試射;平壤的核試驗導致聯合國加緊制裁朝鮮。
- Lawmakers at a South Korean National Assembly committee meeting on Monday asked Unification Minister Ryoo Kihl-jae about nuclear activity.
- 一個韓國國會委員會的議員們星期一舉行會議,向統一部長官柳吉在詢問有關朝鮮核活動的問題。
- Ryoo confirmed that there are signs of preparation activity at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site, but he would not comment further on matters related to intelligence.
- 柳吉在證實,朝鮮豐溪裏核試驗場出現準備活動的跡象,但他沒有就有關情報的事宜做進一步說明。
- On Sunday, Kim Jang-soo - chief national security adviser to President Park Geun-hye, said a missile test or some other provocation could come before or after Wednesday, the date by which the North has suggested diplomats leave the capital, Pyongyang.
- 星期天,韓國總統樸槿惠的國家安全事務首席顧問金章洙說,朝鮮可能在星期三前後進行導彈試射或做其他挑釁,朝鮮暗示外交官們要在星期三之前離開首都平壤。
- He said the North's real objective is to force diplomatic concessions from Washington and Seoul, but added that South Korea is maintaining its military readiness whether or not Pyongyang's threats "are merely rhetoric."
- 金章洙說,朝鮮的真正目的是迫使華盛頓和首爾做出外交讓步;但他表示,無論平壤的威脅是否僅屬虛聲恫嚇,韓國軍方常備不懈。
- (2013-04-08) ------
- Kerry Meets Israeli, Palestinian Leaders in Peace Talks Push
- 克里將會晤以巴領導人 繼續促進和談
- A U.S. effort to revive Israel-Palestinian peace talks continues Monday with Secretary of State John Kerry holding talks with both Israeli and Palestinian officials.
- 美國國務卿克里星期一將與以色列和巴勒斯坦官員舉行會談,繼續努力爭取重啟以巴和談。
- Kerry is taking part in a ceremony marking Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day before meetings with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and Israeli President Shimon Peres.
- 克里在會晤巴勒斯坦民族權力機構總理法亞德和以色列總統佩雷斯之前,將參加以色列大屠殺紀念日的儀式。
- The U.S. State Department has said Kerry will press for confidence building gestures by the two sides, whose leaders have not held peace talks since short-lived negotiations in September 2010.
- 美國國務院表示,克里將敦促巴以雙方做出姿態,加強互信;以巴領導人自 2010 年 9 月舉行短時間談判以來,還沒有展開過和平會談。
- Kerry is not expected to propose any formal U.S. peace initiatives to the parties.
- 預計克里不會向以色列和巴勒斯坦提出美方的正式和談建議。
- His trip to the region has already included talks with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, as well as Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.
- 在這次中東之行期間,克里已與巴勒斯坦民族權力機構主席阿巴斯、土耳其總理埃爾多安以及土耳其外長達武特奧盧舉行了會談。