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2025.02.19 03:03
四月份 第 05 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-05) ------
- Iran Nuclear Talks Begin in Kazakhstan
- 伊朗核問題會談開始在哈薩克斯坦舉行
- World powers and Iran have begun two days of talks on Tehran's nuclear program.
- 世界諸強國和伊朗開始就德黑蘭的核項目問題展開為期兩天的會談。
- The discussions opened Friday in Almaty, Kazakhstan among the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, plus Germany and Iran.
- 星期五,聯合國安理會五個常任理事國、德國和伊朗開始在哈薩克斯坦的阿拉木圖展開討論。
- A spokesman for European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton told reporters Friday that the group hopes Iran will present a response to proposals made to Iran in February.
- 歐盟外交事務負責人阿什頓的發言人星期五對記者說,世界六強國希望伊朗對 2 月向德黑蘭提出的建議做出回應。
- Those proposals include Iran closing a nuclear facility and getting rid of its stockpile of enriched uranium in exchange for permission to trade some products now under international sanctions.
- 這些建議包括伊朗關閉一個核設施以及放棄其濃縮鈾儲存,以換取准其出口一些目前依照國際制裁規定不准出口的產品。
- On Thursday, Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, demanded that world powers recognize an Iranian right to enrich uranium.
- 星期四,伊朗首席核談判代表賈利利要求世界各強國承認伊朗擁有從事鈾濃縮活動的權利。
- The United States and its allies accuse Iran of amassing highly-enriched uranium as part of a covert drive to make nuclear bombs. Tehran insists its nuclear program is peaceful.
- 美國及其盟國指責伊朗生產高純度鈾以秘密研制核武器;德黑蘭堅持說,伊朗的核項目是為了和平目的。
- A senior U.S. official said Wednesday the world powers want Iran to give a "concrete and substantive" response to their proposal.
- 一名美國高層官員星期三說,世界各強國要求伊朗對他們有關建議做出 “具體和實質性” 的回應。
- The U.S. official reiterated that President Barack Obama prefers diplomacy, but is leaving "all options" on the table to deal with the situation.
- 這名美國官員重申,歐巴馬總統希望通過外交途徑解決問題,但不會排除應對目前局勢的所有選擇方案。
- (2013-04-05) ------
- Building Collapse Kills 29 in India
- 印度高樓倒塌 29 人喪生
- Indian police say a multi-story building has collapsed in Mumbai, killing at least 29 people and injuring scores of others.
- 印度警方說,孟買一座高層建築倒塌,造成至少 29 人死亡,數十人受傷。
- Rescue workers continue to search for more people that may be trapped in the debris.
- 救援人員繼續尋找可能埋在瓦礫下的人。
- The collapse occurred Thursday evening at a seven-story building, still under construction, in the Mumbai suburb of Thane.
- 倒塌事故發生在星期四晚上,這座目前還在施工階段的七層建築位於孟買郊區的塔那。
- Most of the dead were construction workers and their families staying in the unfinished parts of the building. At least nine children are among the dead.
- 大部份死者是建築工人以及住在這座尚未竣工的建築內的工人家屬;死者中有至少九名兒童。
- The Thane police commissioner says the building was weak and built illegally.
- 塔那的警方專員說,這座建築很不堅固而且是違法建造。
- Police have registered a case of culpable homicide against the builder.
- 當局對建築承包商提出過失殺人指控。