現在線上人數 107人
2025.01.17 13:14
四月份 第 15 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-19) ------
- One Boston Bombing Suspect Dead, Search for Another
- 警方:波士頓爆炸案一嫌疑人已喪生 另一名在逃
- Police in Massachusetts are conducting a massive manhunt for one of the suspects in Monday's Boston Marathon bombings, after killing the other suspect in a shootout late Thursday.
- 美國麻薩諸塞州警方正在波士頓地區大規模搜捕星期一波士頓馬拉松爆炸案的一名嫌疑人;另一名嫌疑人星期四晚上在與警方的槍戰中被擊斃。
- US media are reporting the suspects are brothers of Chechen origin.
- 美國媒體報導,這兩人是來自俄羅斯車臣人的兄弟。
- Authorities say the "white hat" suspect from the marathon bombings, known as Suspect Two, is on the loose and is "armed and dangerous."
- 有關當局說,被列為馬拉松爆炸案二號嫌疑人的 “白帽”嫌疑人仍然在逃,身上攜帶武器,具有危險性。
- Police are searching through the suburb of Watertown, about eight kilometers from Boston, and other parts of the Boston metropolitan area.
- 警方正在波士頓以西 8 公里的沃特敦和波士頓其它一些地方搜索。
- The Boston region is in lockdown. Residents have been urged to stay in their homes with the doors locked.
- 波士頓地區已經被封鎖;居民被告知最好待在家裡,把門鎖好。
- Public transit service has been suspended and all schools and universities are closed. Officials have shut down airspace over Boston.
- 波士頓地區公共交通停止運行,所有中小學和大學關閉,官方禁止飛機在波士頓上空飛行。
- Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick said the situation is "serious," and he asked the public to also take it seriously as well.
- 麻薩諸塞州長帕特里克說,形勢嚴峻,他呼籲公眾應該認真對待。
- Boston police have identified the suspect at large as 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev of Cambridge, Massachusetts, a town outside of Boston.
- 波士頓警方確認,在逃的嫌疑人是麻薩諸塞州波士頓市外劍橋鎮的 19 歲居民焦赫哈爾察爾尼。
- The deceased suspect is believed to be 26-year-old brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
- 被打死的嫌疑人是他 26 歲的哥哥塔梅里安察爾尼。
- U.S. media say the suspects' family is from a Russian region near Chechnya, which has been plagued by an Islamic insurgency stemming from separatist wars.
- 美國媒體報導,他們是來自俄羅斯車臣共和國附近地區的移民;車臣的回教徒武裝一直為脫離俄羅斯而戰。
- The brothers were believed to be living legally in the United States.
- 據信這兄弟兩人具有在美國合法居住的身份。
- (2013-04-19) ------
- Pakistani Police Arrest Former President Musharraf
- 巴基斯坦警方逮捕前總統穆沙拉夫
- Pakistani police arrested former president Pervez Musharraf on Friday, presenting him before an Islamabad court on charges stemming from his firing of top judges when he was in power in 2007.
- 巴基斯坦警方星期五逮捕了前總統穆沙拉夫,並將他移送伊斯蘭堡一家法院,罪名是他於 2007 年當政時罷免最高法官。
- Mr. Musharraf was placed under house arrest and allowed to return home, before being moved to Islamabad police headquarters.
- 穆沙拉夫在被捕送往伊斯蘭堡警方總部之前曾經被軟禁,獲准回家。
- It is unclear whether he will be allowed back to his house before he is scheduled to appear before an anti-terrorism court in two days.
- 一家反恐法院安排他在兩天後出庭受審;目前還不清楚他在受審之前是否可以回家。
- After he was arrested Friday, the 69-year-old former military ruler took to Facebook, calling the allegations against him "politically motivated" and vowing to fight them.
- 這位 69 歲的前軍事領導人在星期五被捕之後在臉書上說,對他的指控有 “政治動機,他要抗辯到底。