現在線上人數 109人
2025.02.15 13:54
四月份 第 15 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][09][08][07][06]
- (2010-04-21) ------
- European Skies Reopen to Backlogged Flights
- 歐洲空域重開清理積壓航班
- The skies over Europe reopened Wednesday as airlines scrambled to clear a backlog of flights grounded by a vast cloud of volcanic ash from Iceland.
- 歐洲的領空星期三重新開放;各家航空公司想方設法清理因大量冰島火山灰雲影響而停飛的積壓航班。
- The European air traffic control agency, Eurocontrol, says about 75 percent of scheduled flights will operate Wednesday.
- 歐盟的民航控制機構說,歐洲大約 75 % 的航班將於星期三恢復。
- All travel restrictions have been lifted in Britain and Germany.
- 英國和德國的所有旅行限制都已解除。
- The task of clearing the backlog of stranded passengers is expected to take days.
- 安排運送滯留旅客預計還要幾天的時間。
- An industry official says airlines have lost at least $1.7 billion dollars due to the six-day shutdown.
- 一名航空業官員說,歐洲民航運輸關閉六天造成至少 17 億美元的損失。
- The head of the International Air Transport Association, Giovanni Bisignani, called the economic fallout "devastating" Wednesday, and he urged European governments to look for ways to help airlines recover from lost revenues.
- 國際航空運輸協會主席比西格尼星期三表示,機場關閉導致的經濟影響是“慘重的”;他敦促歐洲政府設法幫助航空公司彌補收入損失。
- Some airline executives say authorities may have been too hasty to ground flights.
- 一些航空公司的執行官說,當局停飛的決定可能過於草率。
- (2010-04-21) ------
- At Least 11 Missing After Louisiana Oil Rig Explosion
- 路易斯安納州鑽井平臺爆炸 至少 11 人下落不明
- The U.S. Coast Guard says at least 11 people are missing following an explosion at an oil rig off the southern U.S. coast.
- 美國海岸警衛隊說,美國南部海上一個石油鑽井平臺發生爆炸,至少 11 人下落不明。
- The Coast Guard says the explosion late Tuesday also injured seven people at the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, located in the Gulf of Mexico about 84 kilometers from the state of Louisiana.
- 海岸警衛隊說,星期二晚上的爆炸發生在墨西哥灣距路易斯安那州大約 84 公里的“深水地平線號”鑽井平臺,爆炸導致七人受傷。
- Officials say they have sent helicopters, a rescue plane and several boats to the scene.
- 有關官員說,他們已派直升機、救援飛機和幾艘船隻前往事故地點。
- The injured were evacuated to area hospitals.
- 傷者已被送往醫院。
- The Coast Guard continued battling a fire on the rig early Wednesday.
- 海岸警衛隊星期三清晨在鑽井平臺繼續滅火。
- They say 126 people were on the rig at the time of the incident.
- 他們說,事故發生時鑽井平臺上有 126 人。
- The cause of the explosion is not yet known.
- 爆炸原因尚不清楚。