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2025.02.17 03:27
四月份 第 01 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-01) ------
- South Korean President Orders Military to Act Without Political Considerations Against North Korean Actions
- 韓國總統命令軍隊應對朝鮮挑釁可不計政治後果
- South Korea's president has made her strongest remarks yet in the escalating war of words with North Korea.
- 韓國總統在與朝鮮的唇槍舌戰中做出了迄今為止最強烈的表示。
- In a meeting Monday with defense ministry officials, President Park Geun-hye is quoted as ordering them to respond early and strongly to any provocation from North Korea, and without any regard to political consequences.
- 有關方面說,樸槿惠總統星期一會見韓國國防部官員時,命令他們對來自朝鮮的任何挑釁做出及時有力的反應,而不必考慮政治後果。
- In recent weeks, North Korea has increased tensions with repeated threats of war against the South and the United States in anger over joint military exercises, as well as tightened U.N. Security Council resolutions for its third nuclear test.
- 美韓兩國舉行聯合軍事演習以及聯合國安理會針對朝鮮進行第三次核試驗而加強制裁,這使平壤感到憤怒,近幾個星期來朝鮮不斷對韓國和美國發出戰爭威脅,而且措辭越來越嚴厲。
- It is not clear how Ms. Park's order will affect the U.S. military, which signed an agreement earlier this month giving American troops an expanded role in protecting the South from North Korean provocation.
- 目前還不清楚樸槿惠的命令將對美國軍方產生什麼影響,美國與韓國本月早些時候簽署了一項協議,使美國軍隊得以在保護韓國免遭朝鮮挑釁時發揮更大作用。
- (2013-04-01) ------
- Drug Maker Loses India Patent Battle
- 瑞士諾華製藥公司在印度打輸專利官司
- India's Supreme Court has rejected a patent bid by Swiss drug maker Novartis for a cancer drug.
- 印度最高法院駁回瑞士諾華製藥公司(Novartis) 對治癌藥 Glivec 的專利申請。
- In a landmark ruling Monday, the court dismissed patent protection to an updated version of the drug Glivec.
- 星期一,印度最高法院做出具有里程碑意義的裁決,拒絕給予升級版 Glivec 專利保護。
- The ruling is a precedent that prevents international pharmaceutical companies from obtaining fresh patents in India on updated versions of existing drugs.
- 這項裁決將成為一項先例,防止國際製藥公司就既有藥品的升級版從印度獲得新專利保護。
- India's law prevents companies from seeking patents for making only slight modifications to an existing drug.
- 根據印度法律,公司不得為僅做細微變動的既有藥品申請專利。
- The Supreme Court decided Monday the updated Glivec did not satisfy the "novelty" aspect required by Indian patent law.
- 印度最高法院星期一裁定,升級版 Glivec 不具備印度專利法所要求的創新性質。
- The ruling is a victory for India's multi-billion-dollar generic drug industry that provides cheap medicines to millions around the world.
- 這項裁決是印度擁有巨額利潤的非專利藥製造業界的勝利,這一產業為世界各地數以百萬計的人提供廉價藥。