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四月份 第 16 課

  • 歷史上的今天------>
  • [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]

  • (2013-04-23) ------

  • Japan Summons Ambassador After Chinese Ships Near Disputed Islands
  • 日本在中國船隊駛近有爭議島嶼後召見中國大使
  •   Japan summoned the Chinese ambassador to Tokyo after Beijing sent a group of ships near a disputed island chain in the East China Sea.
  • 北京派遣船隊駛近東海海域有爭議島嶼後,日本召見了中國駐東京大使。

  •   The Japanese Coast Guard said eight Chinese maritime surveillance ships entered the disputed territory near the uninhabited islands early Tuesday.
  • 日本海岸警衛隊說,八艘中國海監船於星期二清晨駛近這幾個無人居住的島嶼附近海域。

  •   It said this is the largest incursion by Chinese ships since tensions increased in September, when Japan purchased some of the islands from their private owners.
  • 日本海岸警衛隊表示,自去年 9 月緊張局勢加劇以來,這是中國船隻最大規模地進入該海域;去年 9 月,日本政府從私人島主手中購買了幾個有爭議島嶼。

  •   Since then, Beijing has regularly sent patrol boats and sometimes aircraft, in an attempt to challenge Japanese control of the strategic islands.
  • 自那時以來,北京定期向該海域派船巡邏,有時派遣飛機,以此挑戰日本對這些具有戰略價值的島嶼的控制權。

  • (2013-04-23) ------

  • Car Bomb Wounds 2 at French Embassy in Tripoli
  • 法國駐的黎波里大使館發生汽車炸彈爆炸兩人受傷
  •   France has condemned a car bombing at its embassy in the Libyan capital, calling the attack a heinous act.
  • 法國譴責發生在法國駐利比亞首都大使館的一起汽車炸彈爆炸事件,表示這一襲擊是令人憎惡的行為。

  •   Officials say the explosion early Tuesday at the embassy in the Hay Andalus area of Tripoli wounded two guards and caused extensive damage.
  • 有關官員說,星期二清晨的這次爆炸發生在位於的黎波里的哈伊安達魯斯城區的法國大使館,導致兩名警衛受傷,並造成嚴重破壞。

  •   The Libyan Foreign Ministry calls the attack a "terrorist" incident.
  • 利比亞外交部說,這次襲擊是 “恐怖主義” 事件。

  •   French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius pledges to do everything necessary to find who was behind the bombing.
  • 法國外交部長法比尤斯誓言要採取一切必要措施,找到爆炸事件的主謀。

  •   Libya has struggled with instability and violence since the ouster of long-time dictator Moammar Gadhafi in late 2011.
  • 自長期執政的利比亞獨裁者卡扎菲於 2011 年被趕下台以來,利比亞一直在不穩定局面和暴力中掙扎。


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