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2025.02.08 02:49
四月份 第 18 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [12][11][10][09][08][07][06]
- (2013-04-26) ------
- South Korea to Pull Workers from Kaesong Industrial Complex
- 韓國從開城工業園區撤回工人
- The top South Korean official charged with handling North-South relations says the time has come for South Korean workers still at the shuttered Kaesong factory zone to return home.
- 韓國處理與朝鮮關係的高級官員統一部長官柳吉在說,到了從關閉的開城工業園區撤回韓國人員的時候了。
- Unification Minister Ryoo Kihl-jae said Friday that the government has made an "unavoidable decision" to bring about 180 South Korean workers home.
- 柳吉在星期五說,韓國政府已經做出撤回大約 180 名韓國人員的 “不可避免的決定”。
- The decision came hours after North Korea rejected the South's proposal for formal negotiations to restart operations at the Kaesong complex.
- 在做出這個決定的幾個小時之前,朝鮮拒絕了韓國提出的舉行正式談判以恢復開城工業園區運轉的建議。
- Seoul gave Pyongyang 24 hours on Thursday to agree to talks, warning of a tough response if Pyongyang did not agree to the offer.
- 首爾當局星期四向平壤提出舉行談判的 24 小時期限,首爾警告說如果平壤不同意舉行談判,韓國將採取嚴厲反應措施。
- Hours after the deadline passed Friday, Pyongyang dismissed the offer and warned that it would be the first to take tough action if the South insists on worsening the situation at the border town.
- 星期五在期限過了幾個小時之後,平壤拒絕了首爾的建議,並且警告說,如果首爾堅持在開城這個邊界城鎮惡化雙方關系,朝鮮將首先採取嚴厲行動。
- South Korean President Park Geun-hye met with her security-related Cabinet ministers on Friday, regarding fate of the Kaesong complex.
- 韓國總統樸槿惠星期五召集了內閣中的安全事務有關部長開會,研究如何處理開城工業園區的問題。
- (2013-04-26) ------
- Britain,US Concerned by Possible Chemical Weapons Use in Syria
- 英美擔心敘利亞可能使用化學武器
- British Prime Minister David Cameron says there is growing evidence the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against rebels, backing up a report by U.S. intelligence agencies.
- 英國首相卡梅倫說,有越來越多的證據顯示,敘利亞政府對反政府力量使用了化學武器,證實了美國情報機構一份報告的說法。
- Prime Minister Cameron on Friday called the development "very disturbing," adding that it would amount to a war crime and should represent a "red line" for the international community.
- 卡梅倫星期五說,這一事態非常令人不安;他還說,這種做法是戰爭罪行,應該是國際社會的 “底線”。
- On Thursday, the White House said U.S. spy agencies believe with "varying degrees of confidence" the Syrian government has used sarin gas on a small scale against rebels trying to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.
- 美國白宮星期四說,美國各情報機構程度不同地相信,敘利亞政府對試圖推翻阿薩德總統的反政府力量小規模使用了沙林毒氣。
- But the disclosure said the evidence was not conclusive enough to change U.S. decision-making on the issue.
- 不過,白宮還說,目前的證據還不足以改變美國在這個問題上的決策。
- Some U.S. lawmakers have been more vocal in calling for the U.S. to intervene militarily in the conflict, which has killed at least 70,000 people since it began in March 2011.
- 一些美國議員加大呼籲力度,要求美國軍事干預敘利亞衝突;自從 2011 年 3 月敘利亞衝突開始以來,已經有至少 7 萬人喪生。
- Meanwhile, fighting raged on in the capital, Damascus, on Friday.
- 另一方面,星期五,在首都大馬士革爆發激烈戰鬥。
- The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says "fierce clashes" between rebels and government troops broke out in the Barzeh neighborhood in north Damascus.
- 敘利亞人權瞭望台說,在大馬士革北部的巴爾澤社區,反政府力量和政府軍之間在星期五發生激烈衝突。
- The Britain-based group also said rebels and troops fought in Jobar district east of the capital, as well as parts of southern Damascus.
- 這個總部設在英國的人權團體還說,反政府力量和政府軍在首都以東的焦巴爾地區和大馬士革南部的一些地區也進行戰鬥。
- The group, which gets its information from a network of activists and fighters on the ground, said at least 130 people died from the fighting on Thursday.
- 敘利亞人權瞭望台從一個活動人士網路和前線戰鬥人員那裡獲得了消息;這個組織說,在星期四的戰鬥中至少有 130 人死亡。