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2025.02.08 02:44
四月份 第 18 課
- 歷史上的今天------>
- [13][12][11][10][08][07][06]
- (2009-04-27) ------
- Obama: Swine Flu "Not a Cause for Alarm"
- 歐巴馬:豬流感“不致令人驚慌”
- U.S. President Barack Obama says the United States is closely monitoring cases of the swine flu in the country, but the situation is "not a cause for alarm."
- 美國總統歐巴馬說,美國正在密切監測豬流感病例,但情況並“不致令人驚慌 ”。
- Mr. Obama spoke Monday in Washington, as governments around the world are racing to avoid both a pandemic and global hysteria, as more suspected cases of swine flu emerge.
- 在歐巴馬總統星期一在華盛頓講話之際,隨著更多的豬流感疑似病例的出現,世界各國政府正加緊努力避免出現豬流感大流行和全球恐慌。
- In Mexico, the outbreak's epicenter, swine flu is believed to have killed 103 people and sickened more than 1,600.
- 在豬流感疫情中心墨西哥,據信豬流感已經造成 103 人死亡,患者超過 1600 人。
- The United States has declared a public health emergency to allow authorities to spend federal money and release stockpiles of anti-viral medication.
- 美國已經宣佈一項公共衛生緊急狀態,允許有關當局動用聯邦資金和發放抗病毒儲備藥品。
- Mr. Obama said the declaration was issued as a "precautionary tool."
- 歐巴馬總統說,有關宣佈只是一項“預防措施。”
- (2009-04-27) ------
- Thousands Flee NW Pakistan During Major Military Operation
- 成千上萬平民在主要軍事行動期間逃離巴基斯坦西北地區
- Thousands of people are fleeing northwestern Pakistan, as the military targets Taliban militants with paramilitary forces backed by helicopter gunships and artillery.
- 巴基斯坦政府軍在武裝直升機和大炮的支援下對塔利班武裝激進份子發動進攻之際,成千上萬的人逃離巴基斯坦西北地區。
- Pakistani officials say troops have killed more than 45 militants since the operation in the Lower Dir district of Malakand began Sunday.
- 巴基斯坦官員說,自從星期日在馬拉坎專區的下迪爾地區行動開始以來,政府軍已經消滅了 45 名以上的武裝分子。
- The region is included in a controversial peace deal between the government and militants to impose strict Islamic law in Malakand in exchange for an end to extremist violence there.
- 該地區屬於政府和激進分子之間一項有爭議的和平協議覆蓋的地區,這項和平協議是為了在馬拉坎地區實行嚴厲的伊斯蘭教法,以換取結束當地的極端主義暴力活動。
- Earlier Monday, a spokesman for radical cleric Sufi Mohammad said he had suspended peace negotiations between the Taliban and government officials until the military operation in Lower Dir was halted.
- 星期一早些時候,激進派神職人員穆罕默德的發言人說,在下迪爾地區的軍事行動停止之前,穆罕默德暫停塔利班與政府官員之間的談判。
- Pakistani officials say Taliban militants have violated terms of the deal by exporting fighters to neighboring areas, including Buner district, which is just 100 kilometers from Islamabad.
- 巴基斯坦官員說,塔利班激進組織將戰鬥人員輸送到包括布內爾地區在內的鄰近地區,違反了協議的條款,布內爾地區離首都伊斯蘭堡僅 100 公里。